Find in the text the equivalents of these words and word combinations.

Управление фабрикой; коммерческое предприятие (фирма); некоммерческая организация; вероятно, отвечает трем критериям; деятельность, направленная на управление фабрикой; определение и достижение целей компании; управленческий персонал (административно-управленческий аппарат); имеют много общего; занимаются корпоративными ценностями; разрабатывают правильную стратегию развития компании; реагировать на быстро изменяющиеся условия ведения бизнеса; принадлежать к; заниматься чем-либо; сырье.


Answer the following questions.

1. What is management?

2. What levels of management do American experts distinguish?

3. What are the duties of executives?

4. What do administrators do?

5. What work is done by junior managers?


Find information about a Russian company and write about its levels of management.


Вариант 2

Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to Participle I and Participle II. Underline them and define their functions.

a) When questioned, the applicant told about her background and professional experience.

b) I saw the manager studying the contract carefully.

c) The director paid attention to a visitor waiting for him.

d) The man has written his application for the position as bookkeeper.


Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to Gerund. Underline it and define syntactical function of a gerund in every sentence.

a) He was accused of having sold information to rival companies.

b) The books by Dale Carnegie are worth reading.

c) Reading books on management is necessary for every executive.

d) The manager insists on treating customers with respect.


Insert the particle “to” before the Infinitive wherever necessary.

Underline it and define its function.

a)It is necessary…examine the documents properly.

b) Make him…speak louder.

c) Your job is…maintain discipline, explain tasks to subordinates, correct mistakes, and compliment achievements.

d) I think you ought…apologize.


Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to Complex Object Construction and Complex Subject Construction. Underline and define a type of construction in every sentence.

a) The director doesn`t like the employees to be late.

b) Business is likely to be successful if it fulfils three criteria: it is managed properly, the idea and the market for it have the necessary growth potential, financing is sufficient.

c) The secretary is certain to have posted the letter.

d) I advised her not to stay at this hotel.