Еx 11 Complete the following sentences by nouns corresponding to the words in bold type.

(A) 1. She can't answer the questions. She doesn't know the—. 2. In fine weather he usually walks to the office. It's a short —. 3. (i) I can't drinkthe tea. It's too hot. (ii)Tea is a national — of the English. 4. My brother worksat a factory. He says the—is interesting enough. 5. (i) In the country, a pub is often part of an inn where you can stayfor the night. (ii) My friends will come to Moscow for a short —.

(B) 1. The bookdescribes the Olympic Games opening ceremony in full. The book gives a full — of the Olympic Games opening ceremony. 2. The film version of the story isdifferent from the book. There is a — between the film version of the story and the book. 3. We oftendiscussedbooks and films in class. Those—were most interesting.

Ex 12 Translate the following sentences, using a different phrasal verb in each.


look back, get back, come back, give back, walk back, sit back, go back

1.Возвращайтесь скорее! 2. Я закончу читать книгу ивернуее тебе. 3. Оноткинулся на спинку стула и закурил. 4. Всю обратную дорогу от станции домой оншел пешком. 5. Мы зашли в кафе, выпили по чашке кофе, и онпошел обратно на работу. 6. Не оглядывайся. 7. Когда онидобрались обратно до лагеря, было около двух часов ночи.

Ех 13 Compare the meaning of the following words with words of the same root in Russian.


favourite, family, inspect, vegetables, fruit, bacon, marmalade, toast, pudding, cake, biscuit.

Ex 14 Combine the following sentences according to the model.


Model: 1. I don't know the book well enough. I can't discuss it.

I don't know the book well enough to discuss it.

2. He has enough money. He can buy a new suit, He has enough money to buy a new suit.


1. He knows English well enough. He can read English books in the original. 2. The boy is not strong enough. He can't swim across the river. 3. I don't remember the poem well enough. I can't tell it by heart. 14. Have you enough time? Can you stay for tea? 5. The museum is near 'enough. We can walk there.


Ex 15 Use 'enough' with the words in bold type.


1. Let's go and see the film. It's interesting. 2. We can go for a long country walk today. The weather is warm. 3. Don't leave. There is work for all. 4. I can't tell you the story from beginning to end. I have no time. 5. You can't do this work. You are not strong. 6. You must know this actor. He is famous. 7. Now I can buy a TV set. I have money. 3. You needn't buy any notebooks. I have notebooks at home.