Ex 46. Act as interpreter. Sum up the dialogue.
Question: What is the political system of the Soviet Union?
Answer: Советский Союз является социалистическим общенародным государством.
Q: What is the highest body of state power of the USSR?
А: Высшим органом государственной власти в СССР является Верховный Совет СССР.
Q: How many chambers are-there in the Supreme Soviet?
А: Верховный Совет состоит из двух палат: Совета Союза и Совета Национальностей.
Q: What are the legislative and executive bodies of the USSR?
А: Верховный Совет СССР является законодательным органом, а Совет Министров СССР, т. е. Правительство СССР, является высшим исполнительным и распорядительным (administrative) органом.
Q: What is the role of Moscow in the political life of the country?
А: Ее роль очень велика. В Москве находится Центральный Комитет Коммунистической партии Советского Союза, Президиум Верховного Совета СССР и Советское правительство.
Ех 47. Speak on the following topics. Make use of the words and phrases given below.
1.In My Part of the Town
the finest part of the city; a new district; many new buildings; long streets of tall houses; blocks of flats; be different from; be famous for; clean; quiet; little traffic; little noise; no factories; no factory smoke; a beautiful park with big old trees; trees on both sides of the street; lots of flowers; a post office across the street; a cinema at the corner; many different shops; an excellent bus service; in fact.
2.Our New Home
a family of four; a two (three, etc)-room flat; a corridor; a kitchen; a bedroom; a living-room; a bathroom; all modern conveniences; pictures on the walls; a carpet on the floor; flowers in a vase; a table in the middle of the room (at the wall); curtains on the windows; an armchair in the corner; quiet; large windows; a TV set; a bookcase with books.
3.My Home Town
(a) a small town; green; quiet; clean; few big houses; lots of one-family cottages; modern conveniences; narrow streets; a river; be situated on both sides of a river; lots of trees and flowers; much snow in winter; several bridges across the river; a railway station in the heart of the town; be famous for; be different from; full of holiday-makers in summer; at the foot of a big mountain.
(b) a big industrial centre; capital; noisy; heavy traffic; in the heart of ...; several parks; lots of office buildings; full of people; hotels; big shops; tall houses; population; be empty on Sundays; in the country; be famous for.