Comparative and Superlative Adjectives / Adverbs

Adjective Comparative Superlative

Сравнительная Превосходная

One-syllable old older/elder the oldest /the eldest

adjectives safe safer the safest

big bigger the biggest

hot hotter the hottest


Adjectives ending noisy noisier the noisiest

in -y dirty dirtier the dirtiest


Adjectives with two boring more boring the most boring

or more syllables. beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful



Irregular good /well better the best

adjectives bad /badly worse the worst

and adverbs far farther/ further the farthest/ furthest

little less the least

much/many/(a)lot of more the most


Exercise 1. Write the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives and adverbs.

1. long longer the longest

2. expensive _______________ _________________

3. strong _______________ _________________

4. difficult _______________ _________________

5 .intelligent ________________ _________________

6. close ________________ _________________

7. popular ________________ _________________

8. safe ________________ _________________

9. important ________________ _________________

10. loud ________________ _________________

Exercise 2. Write the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives and adverbs.

1. weak ________________ _________________

2. tasty ________________ _________________

3. comfortable ________________ _________________

4 .delicious ________________ _________________

5. responsibly ________________ _________________

6. hard ________________ _________________

7. fast ________________ __________________

8. noisily ________________ __________________

9. early ________________ __________________

10. satisfactory ________________ __________________

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the comparative form of the adverbs or adjectives in brackets.

Example: My motorbike goes faster (fast) than yours.

1. I work ______ (hard) than Paul. 2. Today it is _____ (hot) than yesterday. 3. I’m _______ (old) than you. 4. English is _______ (little) difficult than Japanese. 5. The last bus was _______________ (crowded) than the first bus. 6. I need a _______ (big) bag than this. 7. Travelling by train is _______________ (expensive) than travelling by bus. 8. Vegetables are _______ (good) for your health than crisps.

Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with the superlative form of the adverbs or adjectives in brackets.

Example: Sarah is the youngest (young) person in my family.

1. That is __________________ (horrible) dress I have ever seen.

2. Roses are the flowers which have ______________ (nice) smell.

3. January is ____________ (cold) month of the year. 4. She is ____________________ (beautiful) woman I’ve ever met. 5. Mrs Green is _______________________ (interesting) person I know.6.This is ____________ (bad) song I’ve ever heard.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

1. Том выше Ричарда. 2. Россия больше Австралии. 3. Мои часы дороже твоих. 4. Это самое высокое здание в центре нашего города. 5. Я на 5 лет младше моего брата. 6. Это самая хорошая телевизионная программа. 7. Мой друг – самый умный студент в группе. 8. У меня намного меньше денег, чем у моей сестры.