Figure 2. Plate type heat exchanger.

1. end plate, head plate, clamping plate,

2. tie-bolt

3. fluid branches, fluid connections (in line with ports in the plates),

4. stack of exchange plates (with dimples pressed in the plate surface),

5. peripheric [Ãq'ÏÁÇqÏÁÐ] elastomer seal (периферическое tie-bolt,

уплотнение из эластомера),

6. ports and seals



alternate – ['²lt´neIt] v.– поочередно сменяться

baffle ['bxfql] n.– перегородка

due to [ÌÓ³'t³] prep.– благодаря/вследствие

engine ['enGIn] n. – двигательная установка

extremely [ÁÐ'sËÏ°ÅÎI] adv. – крайне/чрезвычайно

fluid ['ÇγÁÌ] n.– текучая среда

heat exchanger [hJt Iks'CeIGq] – теплообменник;

heat transfer area [h°t "trxnsfq 'eqrIq] – поверхность теплообмена/теплопередачи

heat transfer efficiency [h°t"trxnsfq Á'ÇÁS¶ÍÉÁ] – коэффициент теплопередачи

leak tight seal ["l°k ËÕÁË 's°l] – непроницаемая перемычка/прокладка

low pressure application [lqu "pÏÂS¶ "xplI'keISn] – установка, работающая под низким давлением

plate type heat exchanger ["pleIt taIp "h°t Iks'CeIGq] – пластинчатый теплообменник

press-fitted tube [pres"fItId 'ËjV:Ä] – запрессованная труба

shell and tube heat exchanger [Sel qnd "tj³b h°t Iks'CeIGq] – кожухотрубный теплообменник

shell side fluid ['Sel said "fl³Id] – межтрубная текучая среда

tube side fluid ['tj³b said "fl³Id] – внутритрубная текучая среда


Answer the following questions:

1. What two main types of constructions are mentioned in the text?

2. What does shell and tube heat exchanger consist of?

3. What does plate type heat exchangerconsist of?

4. What is the advantage of plate type heat exchanger?

5. Why is plate type heat exchanger capable of transferring much more heat?

6. Why is plate type heat exchanger used in small, low pressure applications only?

7. What type of heat exchanger is becoming more common?