Match the headings and the paragraphs of the text you have read. There is one extra heading.

a). Arrangement of hydrocarbon molecules.

b). What is crude oil?

c). Production of chemical feedstock.

d). Modification of hydrocarbon molecules.

e). Oil formation.

f). Oil and gas products.

g). Different mixtures of hydrocarbons.

Read the following word combinations and give the Russian equivalents.


complex mixture of hydrocarbons

different depths in the same oilfield

from light coloured to thick

depending on the number

many different properties

be altered in shape

tarry residue left after

organic material mixed with

exerted intense pressure and heat

distilled into

trap between


Find the English equivalents to the following terms and phrases.

Незначительное количество, компоненты смеси, из пласта, различаются от …… до, содержат смеси, способ соединения атомов, могут располагаться, на более мелкие, для производства других материалов, остатки крошечных растений и животных, за многие годы, органика, мелкозернистый сланец, пористый известняк, непроницаемая порода, температура и давление, осадок, азот, сложное химическое соединение.

6. Complete the following sentences

1. Crude oil is a mixture …………………………………………………..

2. Different parts of the mixture can be used only after ………………

3. Different depths in one and the same oilfield contain………………

4. Hydrocarbons are difficult to pump from the ground because of ……

5.Hydrocarbon structure depends on ……………………………………

6. Two main chemical families of hydrocarbons …………………………

7. Hydrocarbon molecules are chemical feedstock for ………………..

8. Thick black tarry residue left after distillation is ……………………..

9. Bitumen is used in ………………………………………………………

10. The smaller the hydrocarbon molecules, the better the ………….

Draw a diagram of oil formation. Label it. Describe the process using your diagram.

Remains of tiny plants and animals ……………………..





Work in pairs.

Student A -a lecturer and Student B - a petroleum geology student. Student A - write 6-8 questions on the text “Forming Oil”. Student B- be ready to answer.Use as many expressions under study as possible.

Use the expressions of agreement and disagreement


Agreement Disagreement
I (fully) agree. I’m against it (object to).
I am of the same opinion. You are wrong (mistaken).
In a way, yes. There’s something in what you say, but…
I suppose (expect \ believe) so. On the contrary.
I won’t deny. I disagree with you (on that point)

Read the following text “How Oil Becomes Oil” and do the exercises