Petroleum engineering
Petroleum engineering is involved in the exploration and production activities of petroleum as an upstream end of the energy sector. Upstream refers to the process of finding and extracting oil, which is usually buried deep beneath the earth's surface, to provide a continuous supply to consumers "downstream". Petroleum engineering covers a wide range of topics, including economics, geology, geochemistry, geomechanics, geophysics, oil drilling, geopolitics, knowledge management, seismology, tectonics, thermodynamics, well logging, well completion, oil and gas production, reservoir development, and pipelines.
Petroleum engineering has become a technical profession that involves extracting oil in increasingly difficult situations as the "low hanging fruit" of the world's oil fields are found and depleted. Improvements in computer modeling, materials and the application of statistics, probability analysis, and new technologies like horizontal drilling and enhanced oil recovery, have drastically improved the toolbox of the petroleum engineer in recent decades.
As mistakes may be measured in millions of dollars, petroleum engineers are held to a high standard. Deepwater operations can be compared to space travel in terms of technical challenges. Arctic conditions and conditions of extreme heat have to be contended with. High Temperature and High Pressure (HTHP) environments that have become increasingly commonplace in today's operations require the petroleum engineer to be savvy in topics as wide ranging as thermohydraulics, geomechanics, and intelligent systems.
Petroleum engineers mustimplement high technology plans with the use of manpower, highly coordinated and often in dangerous conditions. The drilling rig crew and machines they use becomes the remote partner of the petroleum engineer in implementing every drilling program. Petroleum engineering has historically been one of the highest paid engineering disciplines; this is offset by a tendency for mass layoffs when oil prices decline. According to a survey published in Dec 2006 the average income was $116,834.Petroleum engineers divide themselves into several types:
- Reservoir engineers work to optimize production of oil and gas viaproper well placement, production levels, and enhanced oil recovery techniques.
- Drilling engineers manage the technical aspects of drilling both production and injection wells.
- Production engineers (also known as completion or subsurface engineers) manage theinterface between the reservoir and the well, including perforations, sand control, artificial lift, downhole flow control, and downhole monitoring equipment.
Reservoir engineering is a branch of petroleum engineering, typically concerned with maximizing the economic recovery of hydrocarbons from the subsurface.
Of particular interest to reservoir engineers is generating accurate reserves estimates for use in financial reporting to the SEC and other regulatory bodies. Other job responsibilities include numerical reservoir modeling, production forecasting, well testing, well drilling and workover planning, economic modeling, and PVT analysis of reservoir fluids.
Reservoir engineers also play a central role in field development planning, recommending appropriate and cost effective reservoir depletion schemes such as waterflooding or gas injection to marecommending appropriate and cost effective reservoir depletion schemes such as waterflooding or gas injection to maximize hydrocarbon recovery.
Reservoir engineers often specialize in two areas:
- Surveillance (or production) engineering, i.e. monitoring of existing fields and optimization of production and injection rates. Surveillance engineers typically use analytical and empirical techniques to perform their work, including decline curve analysis, material balance modeling, and inflow/outflowanalysis.
- Simulation modeling, i.e. the conduct of reservoir simulation studies to determine optimal development plans for oil and gas reservoirs.
Drilling engineering is a subset of petroleum engineering, involved in the design and drilling of production and injection wells. The planning phases of drilling an oil well typically involve estimating the value of sought reserves, estimating the costs to access reserves, acquiring property by a mineral lease, a geologic survey, a wellbore plan, and a layoutof the type of equipment depth of the well.
Drilling engineers are engineers in charge of the process of planning and drilling oil wells. Their responsibilities include:
- Designing casing strings in conjunction with drilling fluid plans to prevent blowouts(uncontrolled hydrocarbon release) and formation breakdown.
- Designing or contributing to the design of drill strings, cement plans, directional plans, and bit programs.
- Specifying equipment, material and ratings and grades to be used in the drilling process.
- Providing technical support and audit during the drilling process.
- Performing cost estimates and analysis
- Developing contracts with vendors
It is their responsibility to ensure that the well is drilled in a safe, cost-effective, and effective manner.
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4. Match the English terms in column “A” with their Russian equivalents in column “B”.