Today nowadays tonight at present
**TASK 11. Read the extracts below and put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. Then, say what use of these tenses each extract shows.
1. It seems everything __________ (to change) these days. Cities __________ (to become) bigger and busier every year, technology __________ (to develop) faster than ever before, and scientists _______ (to learn) more about the way things work.
2. Water __________ (to boil) at 100ºC and __________ (to freeze) when the temperature __________ (to drop) below 0ºC. Salt water ________ (to be) different, however.
3. This film _________ (to be) great! It ________ (to have) an all-star cast and the script _________ (to be) very funny. The action _________ (to begin) when two young men _________ (to try) to rob a bank…
4. Rogers _________ (to kick) the ball and _________ (to pass) it to Jones. Jones _________ (to run) down the pitch. He _________ (to pass) the ball to Smith who _________ (to shoot) and _________ (to score)!
5. Where are you? – I’m in Manchester and it __________ (to pour) with rain. – What you ________ (to do) there? – I _________ (to collect) material for my new article.
6. You ______ (to see) Ben on Monday or on Friday? – Actually, we ________ (to meet) on Thursday.
7. I don’t know what to do with Peter. He constantly ________ (to lose) things! It’s the third pair of gloves I _______ (to buy) for him!
*TASK 12. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.
1. You _________ (to know) that man over there? - Actually, I do. He's Muriel's husband.
2. You _________ (to do) anything tomorrow evening? - Yes. I ________ (to see) Jack at nine o'clock.
3. I _________ (to see) you _________ (to feel) better. - Yes, I am, thank you.
4. What's that noise? - The people next door _________ (to have) a party.
5. Graham _________ (to have) a new computer. - I know. I've already seen it.
6. This dress _________ (not/to fit) me any more. - Why don't you buy a new one?
7. Your perfume _________ (to smell) nice. What is it? - It's a new perfume called Sunshine.
8. What is Jane doing? - She _________ (to smell) the flowers in the garden.
9. What _________ (you/to look) at? - Some photos I took during my holidays. They aren't very good, though.
10. You _________ (to look) very pretty today. - Thank you. I've just had my hair cut.
11. I _________ (to think) we're being followed. - Don't be silly! It's just your imagination.
12. Is anything wrong? - No. I _________ (just/to think) about the test tomorrow.
13. This fabric_________ (to feel) like silk. - It is silk, and it was very expensive.
14. What you _______ (to do)? - I _________ (to feel) the radiator to see if it's getting warm.
15. She _________ (to be) generous, isn't she? - Yes, she has never been a mean person.
16. He _________ (to be) very quiet today, isn't he? - Yes, I think he has some problems.
17. Would you like some cherries? - Yes, please I _________ (to love) cherries. They're my favourite fruit.
18. I'm sorry, but I _________ (not to understand) what you mean. - Shall I explain it again?
19. The children ________ (to make) lots of noise today. - I know, but they _________ (to have) fun.
20. This cake _________ (to taste) awful. - I ________ (to think) I forgot to put the sugar in it.
**TASK 13. Les has just met his friend, Adrian, outside the student club. Complete their conversation, using the right form of the verb given in each sentence.
Les: Hello, Adrian. ___________ (you, to wait) for someone?
Adrian: Yes. Carol __________ (to attend) a meeting in the club.
Les: I didn't know she was keen on sport.
Adrian: Oh, but she is. She __________ (to plan) to run in a marathon in August.
Les: ___________ (she, to train) very hard for it?
Adrian: I'll say! In fact, she __________ (to hope) to run twenty miles this evening, after the meeting.
Les: Good for her! But why you ___________ (not to take) more exercise yourself? You __________ (to put on) weight, you know!
Adrian: I __________ (to try) to lose weight by playing snooker.
Les: Snooker? That's not real exercise, I __________ (to play) squash,
Adrian: But squash is a killing game. __________ (you, to look for) an early death?
Les: Don'1 be silly! __________ (we not try) to be champions or anything like that, we just __________ (to keep) fit, that's all.
Adrian: What __________ (you, to do) this morning?
Les: I __________ (to wait) for Jenny. She __________ (to write) some letters for the club. The club __________ (to organize) a big end-of-term dinner, you know.
Adrian: Careful, Les. You'll put on weight, too!
*TASK 14. The staff at Finefashions Ltd are all doing different things during the holidays. Choose the verb, which has the right meaning in each blank, and write its correct form. The verbs in brackets are sometimes in the right order, and sometimes not.
1 Jeff ________ sailing, so he ________ a boat with some friends. (to take out/to like)
2. Maria ________ a week in Italy because she ________ Italian relatives. (to have/to spend)
3. Barry and Kate ________ cold, wet weather. Because of this they ________ to Spain, where it's sure to be warm. (to fly/to hate)
4. I ________ some friends in the north of Scotland, because I hardly ever ________ the chance to see them. (to get/to visit)
8. Phil ________chess whenever he can, so he ________ a chess competition. (to play/to take part in)
9. Jenny ________ to Greece by train because she ________ about flying on planes. (to worry/to travel)
10. John, the manager, ________ a lot of heavy business lunches. So he ________ some time at a health farm, to lose weight, (to eat/to spend).
11. June ________ to a choir, and during her holiday she ________ with them in a music festival in Germany. (to sing/to belong)
12. Lawrence ________ poems in his spare time. He ________ to organize a series of poetry readings. (to help/to write)
13. Tessa ________ a party of climbers up Snowdon because she ________ extra money. (to need/to guide)
**TASK 15. Alan is writing to Dave, an old friend from his student days. Make a suitable verb form from the words in brackets, choosing between present simple, present continuous and the modal verb ‘can’ .
Forth House,
Dear Dave,
I _________(to write) because as you _________ (to see) we now _________ (to have) a new address. We moved here, near Edinburgh, about two months ago. Perhaps you _______ (to remember) that I used to work in Newcastle. Anyway, I wasn't very happy there, so now I _________ (to work) for a small electronics firm in this area. Why you _________ (not to come) and spend a holiday with us here this summer? Our house _________ (to stand) on the edge of the hills, and on a clear day you _________ (to see) the mountains 80 miles away. We _________ (not to have) any of the city dirt and smells up here, and usually all you _________ (to hear) are the sounds of birds and sheep. We _________ (to spend) a lot of time gardening. This year we _________ (to grow) potatoes.
return false">ссылка скрытаAnd what you _________(to do) these days? You still _________ (to work)
for the same firm? It's sad that we _________ (not to seem) to keep in touch the way we used to, but if you _________ (to come) and _________ (to see) us in the summer, we _________ (to hear) all each other's news.
Yours ever,
***TASK 16. Translate into English.
1. Кто там так громко кричит и смеется? – Это дети наших соседей. Их родители сейчас на работе, и никто за ними не присматривает. Они делают все, что хотят. Когда их родители приходят домой после работы, дети ведут себя тихо как мышки, но днем у нас никогда нет тишины и покоя. - Я вам очень сочувствую.
2. Дин, ты слышишь, звонит телефон. Возьми, пожалуйста, трубку. Я думаю, это миссис Делани. Скажи ей, что я не могу подойти сейчас к телефону. Я делаю пирожки, и у меня руки в муке. Если она хочет сказать мне что-то важное, попроси ее перезвонить через полтора часа.
3. Вы не знаете, когда Пат возвращается из командировки? – К сожалению нет. Но я уверена, что когда она приедет, она сразу же позвонит вам.
4. Мэри, Том! Какая хорошая новость! Бабушка с дедушкой приезжают к нам на выходные. Они пробудут с нами три дня, а потом поедут в Крым отдыхать.
5. Почему вы носите темные очки все время, даже зимой? – У меня слабое зрение, и я не выношу яркого света. Врачи рекомендуют мне не снимать темные очки, и я следую их советам.
6. Мы уезжаем в отпуск в субботу. - Вы едете поездом или летите самолетом? – Поездом. Моя жена не любит летать, ей всегда плохо в самолете. – Почему она не принимает таблетки перед полетом? Мне они всегда помогают. - Она ненавидит любые лекарства, поэтому нам придется провести 16 скучных часов в поезде. - Когда ваш поезд отправляется? - В 21.45. с Южного Вокзала. - Я прейду вас проводить. - Это очень любезно с вашей стороны, Спасибо.
7. Лиз, ты вечно все теряешь! Где твои новые перчатки? Если ты не станешь более внимательной к своим вещам, тебе скоро нечего будет носить!
8. Попробуй этот салат, мне кажется у него ужасный вкус. Наверно, они заправляют его плохим майонезом. - Мне вообще не нравится это кафе. Я захожу сюда только в том случае, если у меня нет времени пойти в другое кафе.
9. Я не понимаю правило, которое мистер Ладлоу сейчас объясняет. - Конечно, ты ведь его совсем не слушаешь. Ты смотришь на него, но не слышишь ни одного слова из его объяснения. Ты все время думаешь о чем-то другом.
*TASK 17. Put the verbs in brackets into present simple or present continuous.
1. Why _________ (you/to smell) the soap? - It _________ (to smell) lovely. It's like the one my Mum used to buy.
2. I _________ (to feel) very tired. - You should go to bed early.
3. I _________ (to see) Andy this evening. - I _________ (see). So, you _________ (not to want) to come to the cinema with me, do you?
4. How much _________ the bag of apples (to weigh)? - I don't know yet. The shop assistant _________ (to weigh) the bag now.
5. I _________ (to think) about buying a new car soon. - Why? I _________ (to think) your car is fine. You don't need a new one.
6. What _________ (you/to look) at? - The sky. It _________ (to look) as if it's going to rain.
7. I really _________ (to enjoy) homemade food. - So do I. I _________ (to enjoy) every bit of this delicious meal.
8. Why _________ (you/to feel) the radiator? - I _________ (to feel) cold in here. Is the heating on?
9. That famous, opera singer _________ (to appear) at the opera house tonight. - Yes. He _________ (appear) to be feeling better after his operation.
10. Chris _________ (be) a sensible person, isn't he? - Yes, but in this case he _________ (to be) rather foolish.
11. My dad _________ (to fit) the old blind from the living room in my bedroom today. - Really? _________ (it/to fit) that window?
12. My back _________ (to hurt). - Why you __________ (not to lie) down for a while?
13. Why _________ (you/to taste) the soup? - To see if it _________ (to taste) good. I think it needs more salt.
**TASK 18. Put the verbs in the correct tense, present simple or present continuous.
Leila Markham is an environmentalist. She is being interviewed on the radio by Tony Hunt, a journalist.
Tony: So tell me, Leila, why is it important to save the rainforests?
Leila: There are a number of reasons. One is that many plants, which could be useful in medicine ________ (to grow) in the rainforest. We ________ (not/to know) all the plants yet, there are thousands and thousands of them. Researchers ________ (to try) to discover their secrets before they are destroyed.
Tony: I see. What other reasons are there?
Leila: Well, I'm sure you've heard of global warming?
Tony: You mean, the idea that the world ________ (to get) warmer?
Leila: That's right. The rainforests ________ (to have) an important effect on the earth's climate. They ________ (to disappear) at a terrifying rate and soon they will be gone. People ________ (not/to do) enough to save them.
Tony: But is global warming really such a problem? I ________ (to enjoy) warm sunshine.
Leila: Well, what ________ (to happen) when you (to heat) ice?
Tony: It ________ (to melt), of course.
Leila: OK. The polar ice caps ________ (to consist) of millions of tons of ice. If they _______ (to melt), the level of the sea will rise and cause terrible floods. Many scientists ________ (to believe) that temperatures already ________ (to rise). We must do everything we can to prevent global warming, and that ________ (to include) preserving the rainforests!
Tony: Thank you, Leila, and good luck in your campaign.
Leila: Thank you.
***TASK 19. Translate into English.
Привет Пашка,
Я прекрасно провожу время здесь в Англии. Мои занятия в университете не начнутся до сентября, и я использую каждую минуту, чтобы улучшить свой английский. Я живу с друзьями моих родителей. Мистер и миссис Кент владеют конной фермой на южном побережье. Каждый день я езжу автобусом в ближайший городок и посещаю занятия по английскому языку в местном колледже. Мой учитель, мистер Стоун, говорит, что я делаю отличные успехи. Он говорит, что мое произношение улучшается, и я делаю меньше грамматических ошибок. К сожалению, я не могу сказать, что я понимаю все, что англичане говорят на улицах или в транспорте. Они разговаривают слишком быстро и совсем не так как наши преподаватели в колледже.
По выходным я помогаю на ферме. Эта работа трудная и довольно грязная, но я получаю огромное удовольствие. Мне нравится ухаживать за лошадьми, и мне кажется, они это чувствуют. Мистер Кент учит меня ездить верхом, а миссис Кент рассказывает мне, как нужно лечить лошадей, если они заболевают.
Напиши, как дела у нас в группе. Какие экзамены вы будете сдавать в зимнюю сессию? Куда ты поедешь на каникулы? Скучает ли за мной та симпатичная блондинка, которая всегда сидит на лекциях на первой парте?
Жду твоего ответа,