Answer the questions.

1. What are the reasons for intercultural communication?

2. What are the basic types of cross-cultural contact?

3. What is the essence of a “global village”?

4. What is the role of Mass Media in intercultural communication?

5. What is ethnocentrism and the way to combat it?

6. Which of the definitions of culture do you find the most appropriate?

7. What is subculture? Give some examples of different subcultures.

8. What is culture shock and distinct features of it?

9. What phenomena contribute to culture stress?

10. What are the main features characterizing different cultures?

11. How would you describe Belarusian culture in terms of these four features?

12. What types of culture and according to what principles does the activity orientation theory define?

13. What are the peculiarities of past-, future- and present-oriented cultures?

14. What is culture predictability?

15. What are the main predictors to communication problems?

16. What are the main types of language barriers to intercultural communication?

17. What are the basic communication skills?

Vocabulary check (in writing)

Define the meaning of the following words in English.

1. culture 2. subculture 3. ethnocentrism 4. culture shock 5. a “global village” 6. “being, becoming and doing” culture 7. culture stability 8. culture composition 9. culture complexity 10. culture acceptance 11. present-, past-, future-oriented cultures

Match the two columns.

1. to interact a) a place where you stay for a short period of time

2. to conform to b) diverse

3. sojourner c) someone acting as go-between

4. to prone to d) respect for

5. disparate (adj) e) to communicate to

6. aloofness f) to give opposite results

7. reverence for g) awkward

8. to backfire h) to be liable to

9. intermediary (n) i) to adapt to

10. gauche (adj) j) unfriendliness

Translate the sentences into English.

1. Все культуры склонны передавать ценности от поколения к поколению.

2. Культуры могут быть разнообразными и однородными, враждебными и дружескими.

3. Мы должны испытывать уважение к традициям наших предков.

4. Во время переговоров нам не удалось прийти к компромиссу, поэтому встреча дала обратный результат.

5. Когда нам не удается справиться с иностранной корреспонденцией, мы прибегаем за помощью к посреднику или переводчику.