What do you learn about Americans from the text?
1. What is alien to the American mind?
2. What, for them, is the whole purpose of living?
3. What is a birthright for them?
4. Do you think Bryson is serious in his comments on the Americans?
5. Can you think of any other characteristics you could attribute to Americans?
IV. Language focus
Match the word with its definition.
1. lavish (adj) a) endless
2. alien (adj) b) a feeling of satisfaction
3. gratification (n) c) a particular good quality in someone’s character
4. tireless (adj) d) to complain of smth
5. threshold (n) e) foreign, strange
6. virtue (n) f) the place or point of beginning
7. grumble (v) g) generous
Pick out the words from the text describing the American and the British ways of life.
1. The British: have so little idea of their own virtues, …
2. The Americans: the whole purpose of living is …
V. Speaking
“British are conservative”. Do you think this generalization is accurate? Give your arguments for and against. Here are some arguments against.
Ø Discoveries made in England:
- genetic finger prints in 1901
- the law of gravitation
- splitting atom and many others
Ø Inventions first introduced in England:
- steam engine
- railway between Stockton and Darlington in 1825
- underground in London in 1863
Ø Most of ball games originated in England:
- football, cricket, rugby, golf
- new sports events Gladiators were recently introduced in Great Britain
Ø New trends and lifestyles:
- the Beatles introduced a new style in pop music in mid 60s
- the famous British model Twiggy was the first to demonstrate a hip-hugging mini-skirt in mid 60s
Ø And finally! – What other nation’s language is spoken all over the world?
VI. Discussion
Work in group and discuss any experiences you have had of living or holidaying in a different country.
1. Was it as you had expected? Did the people conform to the stereotypical image you may have had of them?
2. What did you particularly enjoy or dislike being there?
3. In what ways was life there very different from being in your own country?
4. If you could choose somewhere else to spend a few years, which country would you choose? Why? Which would you definitely not choose? Give your reasons.
I. Pre-reading task
Before you read the text study the following words.
to perplex – озадачить
a facetious example – смешной пример
to float to the fore – быть в центре внимания
to assume smth – полагать
preconception (n) – предвзятое мнение
reticent (adj) – скрытый, молчаливый
to fiddle – жульничать
to exaggerate – преувеличивать