Working His Way Up
Nick Minelli has been a bus boy at Blake's Steak House for six months. Working as a bus boy was a good beginning for Nick. By doing his job well, he knew he could get a promotion. He has done his job well and has shown that he is dependable and trustworthy.
Recently Nick's supervisor suggested that he started training as a waiter. That was great news because Nick suddenly felt closer to his real goal – becoming head chef. Through a combination of hard work, patience and determination Nick planned to work his way up the Ladder of success.
Waiting of tables gave Nick the opportunity to make more money. He made his best tips on Friday and Saturday evenings.
Making salads and baking bread will be Nick's responsibilities if he gets promoted to assistant chef.
Becoming head chef would be like a dream come true for Nick. He believes that hard work and determination will pay off.
III.Find the English equivalents to the following words:
хорошо выполнять свою работу; получить повышение по службе; начать учиться на официанта; упорный труд, терпение и решительность; вверх по лестнице успеха; получить должность помощника шеф – повара.
IV.Read the text and fill in the application form.
You Are Looking for a Job
Some people have part-time jobs, and others have full-time jobs. Some people even have several jobs. What is a day's work? A day's work means many different things to different people. For a cook, day's work may be 12 — 14 hours. For a waiter the day may begin at 7.00 a.m. and end at 4.00 p.m., or begin at 6.00 p.m. and end at 11.00 p.m. For a manager in a restaurant the day's work may begin at 5.00 p. m. and finish at 1.00 a. m. When you come to the personnel manager, he/she offers to fill in the application form or to present your resume.
Here are the samples of a resume and an application form.
Surname (in BLOCK First name CAPITALS)
First name
Telephone number
Age Sex (tick as appropriate) M F
Date of birth
Nationality Marital status (married/single)
Occupation (job)
Interests (hobby)
Signature Date
Application Form
1. Application date:
2. Name, middle name, surname:
3. Year, date, month and place of birth:
4. Marital status and your children's age:
5. Your home address and telephone: Nearest metro station:
6. Command of foreign languages, how long did you study them:
7. Desired position:
8. Can you work in shifts (from 6 or 7 a. m. or till midnight)?
9. Your present job, since when:
10. Your previous job:
11. Your education and training:
12. What do you expect from working?
13. When could you start working?
V.Read the following dialogues, learn them by heart and act in the class.