Give Russian equivalents
took a sudden dislike
making a commotion
to be in sympathy with
to come to his rescue
try one’s best
bolt the door
pound on the door
bitterness grew to rage
thrust the knife
“This loud-mouthed guy….” Is a good example of a metaphor. Find out what metaphor is and try to find most commonly-used metaphors, compose sentences with your examples.
True or false
They were waiting to get on the boat and cross the bay to Oakland.
He was making everybody laugh in the waiting-room, and everyone seemed to like the Filipino.
No one seemed to want to come to the Filipino’s rescue, and the poor boy became very frightened.
The boy was doing his best to annoy the drunkard.
He sat down in a corner, but soon got up and began to look for a more hidden place.
Finally he found the compartment where the boy was standing, and he began swearing and demanding that the boy come out.
Translate into English
Я не хочу, чтобы ты стоял рядом с белыми людьми.
Выпивший мужчина не оставлял его в покое.
Он вынул нож из кармана.
Он никак не хотел уходить
Парень распахнул дверь и, держа нож в кулаке, попытался пробежать мимо пьяного мужчины, однако тот схватил его за рукав и потянул к себе.
Все понимали, что он натворил, однако никто не сдвинулся с места.
Я не хотел причинить ему боль, почему вы не остановили меня?
Retell the text briefly. Give a character sketch of the main hero(es).
Give a character sketch of the main hero.
What is your attitude towards the main character of the story?
What are your emotions after reading the story? Did you like the plot?
Find grammatical phenomena and structures which you have studied during the semester