В. Наконец-то программное обеспечении WINDOWS-95 поступило в продажу, как того ждали.
С. Программное обеспечение WINDOW'S-95. которое так долго ждали пользовать. компьютеров, наконец поступило в продажу
D Программное обеспечение WINDOWS-95 для пользователей компьютеров наконец поступило в продажу.
7. Внезапно его осенило, что машина заводится н без ключа.
A. It occurred to him that the car will start with no key
B. It occurred to him that-the car started with no key.
C. It occurred to him that the car would start with no key
D. It occurred to him that the car starts with no key
III. Fill in the empty space with the option you think is best:
8. It would have been stupid...
A I miss this chance; В. I had missed this chance: С. of me to miss this chance. D. to me to rniss this-chance.
9. He felt his hair ...
A. to stand on end. В it stood on end, C. have stood on end; D. stand on end.
10. He watches people ... their dogs every morning.
A. walked, В. аre walking; C. walking; D. have walked. 11. They heard of the inventor ...
A. designed a new machine. В having designed a new machine. C. has designed a new machine.
D. had designed a new machine.
IV. Choose which fits best to end 12. If Baird didn't invent TV in 1926,
A. We didn't watch good programs
B. We wouldn't be able to watch good programs.
C. We haven't watched good programs
D. We won't watch good programs.
1. Murphy Raymond. English Grammar In Use. -Cambridge
University Press. - 1996.
2.Molinsky Steven J ... Bliss Bill. Side By Side: English Through
Guided Conversations. Booh 2-A. - Prentice Hall Regents. -
Engtewood Cliffs, NJ. 1992.
3.Бонк Н.А. Английский для международного сотрудничества. -
СП «ПРИНТ-ДИ», Москва, 1992."
4.Collins Students Grammar. - English Language Birmingham
University International Language Database. - Birmingham, 1996.
5.Alexander U.G. The Advanced English Grammar. - Longman
Group Publisher». 1996.
6.Cotton David, Robbing Sue. Business Class. - Long mas Group
Publishers, 1997.
7.Христорождественская Л.Н. Практический курс английского
Язык. - Минск, 1996
1.Система видо-временных: форм английского глагола в действительном
залоге............................................................ ……..3
2.Страдательным залогом (The Passive Voice)..…..8
3.Модальные глаголы............................ .........11
4.Типы прндаточных предложений……………...14
5. Три типаусловных предложеннй....…………...19
6. Неличные формы глагола................... …….24
7.Упражнения для самоконтроля........... …….34
8.Список использованной литературы.. …….79