He (сможет) attend our class next week.

(A) will have to; (B) will allow; (C) will be able to; (D) can

№ 13

I. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb form:

1. All the achievements of modern science … in modern production process now.

a) are using;

b) are being used,

c) use;

d) have been used.

2. The documents … before I arrived.

a) were signed;

b) had signed;

c) had been signed;

d) had been signing.

П. Choose the proper sentence In the Reported Speech for the given sentence in the Direct Speech:________________________________________

You are putting on a lot of weight,' Dr Grey said.

a) Dr Grey said that he was putting on a lot of weight.

b) Dr Grey said that you are putting on a lot of weight.

c) Dr Grey said that 1 was putting on a lot of weight.

d) Dr Grey said that I had been putting on a lot of weight.

4. 'Will you be coining to the concert or not?'

a) He wanted to know if I would be coming to the concert.

b) He wanted to know that I would come to the concert.

c) He wanted to know if I came to the concert.

d) He wanted to know whether I will be coming to the concert.


III. Choose the correct translation of the non-finite forms:___________

Heated glass is a plastic.

a) нагрев;


c) нагретый;

d) нагревая.

Не insisted on buying me a drink.

а) купил,

b) купленный;

с) купить;

d) покупая.

The chief danger to be feared is lack of water.

a) опасались;

b) которого надо опасаться;

c) которую не надо опасаться;

d) опасаются.

IV. Choose the correct translation:_____________________________

При принятии решения следует учитывать все возможные факторы.

a) Making decisions one should consider all possible factors

b)One should decide if he can consider all possible factors.

c) Having made a decision one should consider all possible factors.

d) One making decisions he should consider all possible factors.

Нам удалось создать гибкую систему.

a) We succeeded to build a flexible system.

b) We succeeded building a flexible system.

c) We succeeded in building a flexible system.

d) We succeeded to have built a flexible system.

Это слишком срочное дело, чтобы его откладывать.

a) То postpone the matter is too urgent

b) It is too urgent a matter to postpone.

c) Postponing the matter is urgent.

d) Having postponed the matter, it is urgent.

Существует много соображений, которые следует принять во внимание.

a) There are many considerations to be taken into account.

b) There are many considerations taken into account.

c) There are many considerations which should take into account

e) There are many considerations having been taken into account

V. Choose the correct translation:_______________________