1. Опишите, какими навыками лидера (концептуальными, человеческими, техничес
кими) обладает Г. Келлегер.
2. В чем состоят функции Г. Келлегера в Southwest Airlines?
3. Как вы считаете, является ли Southwest обучающейся организацией?
A. Bryant, «United's Bid to Rule Western Skies», The New York Times, September 16,1994, Cl.
S. McCartney and M. McCartney, «Southwest Flies Circles around United's Shuttle», The Wall Street Journal, February 20,1996, Bl.
James Campbell Quick, «Crafting an Organizational Culture: Herb's Hand at Southwest», Organizational Dynamics 21, 1992, 45-56.
Richard A. Luecke Scuttle Your Ships before Advancing, and Other Lessons from History
on Leadership and Change for Today's Managers, New York: Oxford University Press, 1994,
•x Taylorlll, «Can GM Remodel Itself?», Fortune, January 13,1992, 26-34.
Charles D Wrege and Ann Marie Stoka, «Cooke Creates a Classic: The Story'behind
Ortnh 107ГЛогШ?Р °f Sdentific Management», Academy of Management Review, vjLiouer iy/o, /ob—749.
inS>T?eAtlan^aJoumalandConstitution, April 26,1992, HI; RichardL.Daft, Organi-£ГЛе°ГД ™d Df8n' 3rd ed- St- paul Minn, West, 1989, 181-182; Kathy Goode,
crint Т T?J?iert' <<United ParCeI Service: The Blown «ant», unpublished manu-KTipt,Texas A&M University, 1981.
Йпя^f'lndustrial and General Administration, trans./. A. Couhrough, Geneva: In-
onal Management Institute, 1930; Henri Fayol, General and Industrial Manage-
-rans. Constance Slorrs, London: Pitman and Sons, 1949; W.J. Arnold and the
BusinessWeek, Milestones in Management, New York: McGraw-Hill vol I
laoo; vol. 11,1966.