Мировоззрение: образы мышления. (World views: ways of thinking).
- adherent (of) - приверженец, поборник, адепт
- convert (to) - новообращенный, пересмотревший свои взгляды
- fanatic - изувер, фанатик
- radical - радикальные, левые (в значение политических убеждений)
- reactionary - противодействующий, реакционер
- bigot - поборник, фанатик
- credible - заслуживающий доверие, правдоподобный
- credulous - доверчивый, легковерный
- incredulous - недоверчивый, скептический
- credence - вера, доверие
- ingenuous - искренний, простодушный, откровенный
- implausible - невероятный, невозможный
- ascribe - приписывать, относить на счет
- a tenet - догмат, доктрина, принцип
К определениям приведенным ниже, подберите соответствующие слова из первого списка.
- when your life is not giving you satisfaction - ______________________________
- when you are madly in love or are spiritually uplifted for some reason - _______________________________
- when you are stimulated to creative deeds or words - __________________________
- when someone has done you a favour - ______________________________
- when you cannot make sense of difference conflicting feeling or ideas - ________________________________
- when you have very positive feelings about something - _________________________
- when you are afraid and uncertain about the future - _____________________________
- when you are miserable over a long period of time- _____________________________
- when everything seems wrong in your life- ____________________________________
- when you are slightly nervous or anxious about something in the future- _________________________________
- when you are extremely angry- ________________________________
- when something unpleasant has happened to disturb you. It often combines feelings of both sadness and anger- _____________________________
Ответьте на вопросы. (Answer these questions).
- What is the opposite of approachable? _______________________________________
- What word is stronger way of saying obstinate? ________________________________
- If someone is diffident, do they have lots of or little self-confidence? _______________
- How could you describe a greeting that showed exaggerated pleasure? ______________
- Is scrupulous the opposite of unscrupulous? ___________________________________
- Which tends to be more negative, impetuous or impulsive? _______________________
Обведите верное слово в представленных ниже предложениях. (Circle the correct word in the sentence below).
- A gullible person believes everything even if it is plausible/implausible.
- I don't find his story at all credible/credulous.
- When marking exams, try to give candidates the advantage/benefit of the doubt.
- A likely/probable story! I don't believe one word you said.
- That may be your view, but don't buy/sell it.
- It is better to take his promises with a pinch of salt/pepper.
- The discovery of some ancient pieces of pottery lends consciousness/credence to the theory that there was once a Roman settlement there.
- The play has been assumed/attributed to Shaconsciousness/credence to the theory that there was once a Roman settlement there.
- The play has been assumed/attributed to Shakespeare.