Fish and Chips

A — The English have a special taste for fish and chips.

В — The pieces of fish are dipped in batter (a mixture of flour and water) and then dropped into deep boiling oil for a few minutes.

С — Attached to some shops there is a small cafe where you can eat your fish and chips without taking them home.

D — They come out crisp and hot and are then wrapped in grease-proof paper and handed to the customer to take away.

E — Everybody seems to have fish and chips at home at least once a week.

F — The shops are usually run by a small staff, often by a man and his wife.

G — Mobile shops sometimes go out to the villages.

H — One of the problems of this prosperous industry is the litter in the streets from the paper bags and newspapers

I — Every English town has shops selling fish and chips in its side streets.

TASK4. Do you know the difference between TOO - ALSO - EITHER?

too – тоже, также (в конце предложения)

also – тоже, также (в середине предложения)

either – тоже не (в отрицательных предложениях)


A. Fill in the blanks with TOO, ALSO or EITHER

1. If you don't go to the party, I won't go ...

2. Jane would ... like to take part in the discussion.

3. My brother wants to go to the pictures ...

4. They were ... impressed by his speech.

5. I have never been there ....

6. Have you heard the news ...?

7. I don't like noisy parties. My friend doesn't like them ...


B. Translate into English

Russian Ukrainian
1. Алиса тоже хочет принять участие в концерте. 2. В прошлом году Петр тоже решил стать врачом, как его отец и старший брат. 3. Он тоже не хотел нарушать семейную традицию. 4. Ты тоже присоединишься к нам? 5. В рождественскую ночь дети тоже не хотели ложиться спать. 6. Они тоже не хотят принять участие в обсуждении? 7. На конверте нет адреса, и марки тоже нет. 8. Теперь, когда занятия закончены, она тоже может сходить в кино. 9. Я тоже не знаю, какой самый популярный музей в Риме, так как я никогда не был в Италии. 10. Он тоже говорит без сильного акцента, но это не значит, что он англичанин. 11. Он тоже должен знать, сколько человек примет участие в новогоднем концерте. 12. Я тоже не люблю спорить по пустякам, но иногда мне приходится. 13. Возможно, он тоже прав, но у меня есть своя точка зрения по поводу тех событий. 14. Не волнуйся, она тоже не любит такие фильмы. 15. Вы ведь тоже не понимаете, что он имеет в виду, правда? 1. Аліса теж бажає взяти участь у концерті. 2. Торік Петро теж вирішив стати лікарем, як його батько та старший брат. 3. Він теж не хотів порушувати сімейну традицію. 4. Ти теж приєднаєшся до нас? 5. У різдвяну ніч діти теж не хотіли лягати спати. 6. Вони теж не хочуть взяти участь у обговоренні? 7. На конверті немає адреси, і марки теж немає. 8. Тепер, коли заняття закінчені, вона теж може сходити в кіно. 9. Я теж не знаю, який найпопулярніший музей у Римі, тому що я ніколи не був в Італії. 10. Він теж балакає без сильного акценту, але це не означає, що він англієць. 11. Він теж повинен знати, скільки чоловік візьме участь у новорічному концерті. 12. Я теж не люблю сперечатися через дрібниці, але іноді мені доводиться. 13. Можливо, він теж має рацію, але у мене є своя точка зору із приводу тих подій. 14. Не хвилюйся, вона теж не любить такі фільми. 15. Ви теж не розумієте, що він має на увазі, правда?    

TASK5. Match the halves of the word combinations from the text.


1. 1. to catch 2. 2. to go 3. 3. in the open 4. 4. to make 5. 5. to pay 6. 6. to see smth 7. 7. just 8. 8. to say 9. 9. behind i. get a) the door b) air c) good night d) excited e) the cocoa f) up the hill g) the same h) for nothing i) good money j) the smell of fish and chips



TASK 6. Fill in the blanks with missing prepositions and answer the questions.

1. Do you like to eat some food (1) the open air (2) paper? Why/Why not?

2. What's the best way (3) eating ice-cream (4) you? Would you prefer to call (5) (6) a cafe or eat it while walking (7) the street or sitting (8) a bench (9) a park?

3. Do you like to go (10) the pictures (11) a friend or (12) yourself? Why?

4. Do you sometimes meet your friends who you used to go (13) school (14)?

5. Do you usually bother to argue (15) things which are not very important (16) you?

6. Do you know that milkmen (17) England leave bottles (18) milk (19) the front door?

7. Do you like to go (20) the station to see (21) your friends or relatives? Why?

8. Do you prefer to meet your friends (22) the same place or you'd rather choose a new place each time?

9. What happens (23) the letters (24) the post which have no address (25) the envelope?


Practice dictation1



Ads have come into an Englishman's life to such a degree that he no longer protests. He watches them on TV, hears them on the radio, reads them in newspapers and sees them in the streets - on trams and buses, on billboards and posters. Here is an example. You are watching TV. It may be a film, a football match or a news-report and suddenly on your TV screen appears a cartoon strip with Mickey Mouse singing a song about what a wonderful drink Cocoa Choc is, or a famous actor advises you to clean your teeth with Peppermint Toothpaste. All this information gets into your head and when you go shopping and see one of the advertised things you recognize it as an old friend and get excited and buy it without a second thought.

But one must have in mind that advertisements are the main form of competition and they are worth a lot of money. A company must be very rich to advertise daily.



Practice dictation 2


Every day had been the same for Vic. He would catch the bus, get off at the corner and go up the hill. He would cross the road, buy some fish and chips and eat them out of the paper. They would last him until he got to the gate. He really liked fish and chips and for him there was no better way of eating them than in the open air. That day everything was different. The bus was late and the shop was closed. When he got to the pictures, the place where they had arranged to meet, Ingrid wasn't there.. They didn't like watching TV but were fond of going to the cinema. The pictures are the same, of course, and they can show color on TV, but not cinemascope. Angry and upset, he went home wondering if she would come to the same place the next day. When he went in, the whole family were sitting in the living room with the table-lamp on watching TV. He didn't want any supper and asked his mother not to bother. He went to the kitchen, made some cocoa, brought it back into the living room and sat down on the sofa. Vic wanted to light a cigarette but found out he didn't have any, so he had to go out to the shop.

It was then that behind the front door he noticed a letter that had been pushed in. It had neither a stamp nor address on it, just his name. He was excited. He opened the letter and read it. It said that Ingrid was to see her cousin off on Friday night and wasn't able to go to the cinema with him. Vic got back home, said good night to the family and went upstairs.

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