Exercise 27. Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct position.
Example: a modern house (attractive) - an attractive modern house
1. a young girl (pretty) 2. a handsome man (young) 3. a kitchen cupboard (oak) 4. brown bag (leather) 5. an American film (old) 6. big eyes (blue) 7. a cold day (rainy) 8. a hot bath (nice) 9. an old coat (worn) 10. a red car (old/little) 11. a gold watch (small/antique) 12. a little village (old/lovely) | 13. a beautiful table (wooden/round) 14.an unusual ring (silver) 15. an old lady (nice) 16. a large nose (red) 17. a sunny day (lovely) 18. an ugly dress (orange) 19. a metal box (black/small) 20. a long face (thin) 21. a wide avenue (long) 22. a big cat (fat/red) 23. long hair (fair/beautiful) 24. an old painting (interesting/Flemish) |
Exercise 28. Make two-word and three-word nouns.
1. a dress made of silk - a silk dress; 2. railings made of iron; 3. a table used in the kitchen; 4. a table made of plastic/used in the kitchen.
Exercise 29. Translate into English.
1. хлопчатобумажная рубашка; 2. маленькая черная металлическая коробка; 3. уродливое зеленое платье; 4. красивые светлые длинные волосы; 5. интересное старое французское полотно (картина); 6. необычные золотые серьги ручной работы; 7. незабываемое двухдневное путешествие на лодке; 8. дорогой старый круглый дубовый стул ручной работы; 9. модная шелковая зеленая блузка; 10. маленький уютный итальянский ресторанчик; 11. старое синее пластмассовое ведро; 12. современные высокоэффективные научные технологии; 13. милая старая комната облицованная дубовыми панелями; 14. длинный белый холодный коридор; 15. большой толстый черный пушистый кот.
Exercise 30. Put the following into the correct order:
1. English/lovely/several/old/tables
2. pretty/French/young/a lot of/girls
3. dining-room/Regency/few/valuable/last/these/chairs
4. first/really important/Impressionist/his/three/paintings
5. dark blue/best/silk/my/all/shirts
6. young/many/German/factory workers
7. marble-popped/old-fashioned/these/oval/all/washing-stands
8. wildlife/Mike’s/all/black and white/latest/photographs
9. cotton/a few/plain/hand-woven/carefully-chosen/dresses
10. non-stick/brand-new/ a number of/French-made/frying pans
11. really important/the first/national/government-sponsored survey
12. one-month/last/his/exhausting/European/tour
Exercise 31. Translate into English.
1. Он шел по грязным узким улицам маленького шумного китайского городка и думал о своей потрясающе красивой молодой жене, которая ждала его в их небольшом уютном деревянном коттедже на берегу круглого глубокого голубого озера, затерянного в высоких непроходимых горах. 2. Мужчина, который подошел ко мне, был одет в грязный потертый голубой твидовый костюм и курил отвратительную толстую гаванскую сигару. Он посмотрел на меня своими темными миндалевидными глазами, и не говоря ни слова, достал из кармана большой блестящий черный пистолет. Я решил не дожидаться, пока он выстрелит, и побежал через забитый людьми маленькую комнату бара к большой деревянной двери на ее другом конце.
Exercise 32. Rewrite these sentences putting the words in brackets in the right order, following the rule:
Word order of determiners and adjectivals before a noun phrase is fixed:
Some/all/few, etc. + the/this/my, etc. + first/next/last, etc. + one/two/three, etc. + adjectives.
1. These are (school/my/all /old) photographs. _____________________________________.
2. Nearly (all/German/other/our) friends live in Cologne. ______________________________.
5. They say that (last/six/all of/indoor/the) meetings were cancelled. ____________________.
4. I shall miss (television/most of/five/next/her) shows. _______________________________.
5. It looks as if (other/half of/these/green) peppers are rotten. ___________________________.
6. Would you like (unused/last/three /the) copies of the book? __________________________.
Exercise 33. Put into the correct order.
1. a wooden, small, round table;
2. a grey-haired, little, French, pretty lady;
3. two, landscape, famous, old paintings
4. this Victorian, interesting, oval-shaped mirror;
5. a beautiful, young, Arab racehorse;
6. a big, black and white, great sheepdog;
7. a kitchen, French, handmade cupboard;
8. a large, Italian, brown, beautiful, teak chest of drawers;
Exercise 34. You are looking for items you want to buy. Begin with I’m looking for …
1. clock radio, white, Taiwanese, cheap, for my bedside table.
2. sports car, well-maintained, second-hand, with a low mileage.
3. polished, beautiful, antique, dining-table, mahogany, English.
4. canvas, American, a pair of, trainers, grey and red, which I can use for jogging.
5. cottage, stone-built, small, old, country.
6. cotton, dress, summer, pink and white, for my holiday.
Exercise 35. Put in the right word order or choose the right forms.
(shoes, leather, Italian, expensive, handmade) Expensive handmade Italianleather shoes: these are my pride and joy. I own a (old, beautiful, pair)- or I did until yesterday, when I discovered that one of the shoes was missing. I had left the shoes on my (doorstep, back) to do some gardening. My neighbour has a (dog, friendly, large) called Sam. When I saw that one of my shoes had disappeared, I knew that Sam had taken it. I can'’ say he behaved (bad/badly). He just behaved like a dog. Leather looks (good/well) and tastes (good/well) too. I unwillingly gave Sam the (remaining, Italian, shoe)and then followed him. I not only found one (Italian, unchewed, shoe), but also a pile of things Sam had been borrowing, including my wife’s (slippers, fur-lined, red), which Sam had tried to have for dinner!
Exercise 36. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct order.
1. He gave us some bread. (brown, delicious, home-made)
2. A lady suddenly arrived. (little, old, funny)
3. I bought a shirt. (silk, striped, blue and white)
4. He was smoking a cigar. (fat, revolting, Havana)
5. I’ve got a racket. (new, tennis, great, metal)
6. She was wearing a dress. (summer, plain, cotton)
7. Thieves stole a painting. (French, priceless, Impressionist)
8. He showed me into his room. (airy, living, high-ceilinged)
9. He introduced me to his daughter. (ten-year-old, little, pretty)
10. I’ve just met a student. (young, chemistry, very interesting)