Exercise 7. Complete the unfinished words in these sentences either with -ing or with -ed according to the meaning of the sentence.
1. I find these figures very disturb___. 2. It is surpris___ how many people cannot swim. 3. We showed them our holiday slides. They said nothing but I think they found them quite interest___. 4. The children seemed to be thrill___ with their presents. 5. He looked bor___ but he assured me he was having a good time. 6. He had a satisf___ expression on his face. He was obviously pleas___ with himself. 7. I went to the sauna for a really relax___ massage. Afterwards, I felt very relax_____. 8. I have never been so embarrass_____ in my life -I had forgotten my notes! 9. That is a very tir___ job: no wonder you look so exhaust_____. 10. He kept us entertain___ with excit___ stories about his African adventures. 11. I find penguins the most fascinat___ animals in the zoo. 12. Do you get many disappoint___ customers, or are most people satisf ___ with your service?
Exercise 8. exciting or excited? Put in the correct adjective.
1. Tony often goes bird-watching. He's ______ in birds. (interesting, interested) 2. I play chess regularly. I think it's a ______ game. (fascinating, fascinated) 3. I've really got no idea what I'm supposed to do next. I'm ______. (confusing, confused) 4. I was sure the car was going to crash. I was absolutely ______. (terrifying, terrified) 5. I don't like this town at all. It's a rather ______ place. (depressing, depressed) 6. When we heard we'd won a trip to Florida, you can imagine how ________ we were. (excited, exciting)
Exercise 9. Complete the conversation.
A: That was an _________ film, wasn't it? (excit…)
B: Oh, do you think so? I'm ______ you liked it. (surpris…). I thought it was rather ______ . (disappoint…).
A: Well, I was ______ once or twice. (puzzl…). I didn't understand the whole story. It was ______ in places. (confus…). But the end was good.
B: I was ______ most of the time. (bor…). I didn't find it a very ______ film. (interest…).
Exercise 10. Complete the conversation about a holiday.
The older people had a nice relaxing time. - Yes, lying on the beach is certainly nice and ______.
2. It was annoying losing that suitcase. - Yes, you must be really ______ about it.
3. That film we saw was amusing. - Laura was certainly ______. She couldn’t stop laughing.
4. The museum was interesting, I thought. - Yes, we had an ______ time there. There was lots to see.
5. I was fascinated by those old photos of the town. - Yes, I thought they were ______ too.
6. The wind-surfing was a thrilling experience for the children. - Yes, they were certainly ______ to have a go.
7. I think I'll go to bed. I'm exhausted. Looking after young children is an ______ job.
8. I was surprised at how good the weather was. - Yes, the amount of sunshine we had was __________.
9. I was tired after we climbed the mountain. - Yes, I think everyone felt ________.
Exercise 11.In this exercise you have to complete two sentences for each situation. Use an adjective ending in -ing or -ed to complete each sentence.
1. It's been raining all day. I hate this weather. (depress-)
a) This weather is ______. b) This weather makes me ______.
2. Astronomy is one of Tom's main interests. (interest-)
a) Tom is ______ in astronomy. b) He finds astronomy very ______.
3. I turned off the television in the middle of the programme, (bor-)
a) The programme was ______. b) I was ______.
4. Ann is going to America next month. She has never been there before. (excit-)
a) She is really ______ about going. b) It will be an ______ experience for her.
5. Diana teaches young children. It's a hard job. (exhaust-)
a) She often finds her job ______. b) At the end of the day's work she is often ______.
6. The film wasn't as good as we had expected. (disappoint-)
a) The film was _________. b) We were _________ with the film.
Exercise 12. Choose the right adjective.
1. We were all horrifying/horrified when we heard about the disaster. 2. It's sometimes embarrassing/embarrassed when you have to ask people for money. 3. Are you interesting/interested in football? 4. I enjoyed the football match. It was quite exciting/excited. 5. It was a really terrifying/terrified experience. Afterwards everybody was very shocking/ shocked. 6.I had never expected to be offered the job. I was really amazing/amazed when I was offered it. 7. The kitchen hadn't been cleaned for ages. It was really disgusting/disgusted. 8. Do you easily get embarrassing/embarrassed? 9. I was disappointing/disappointed with the film. I had expected it to be better.
Exercise 13. Complete these sentences with an adjective ending in -ing or -ed. The first letter(s) of the adjective are given each time.
1. Jane finds her job b________. She wants to do something different. 2. I seldom visit art galleries. I'm not very in______ in art. 3. We went for a very long walk. It was very ti______. 4. Why do you always look so b______? Is your life really so b______? 5. He's one of the most b______ people I've ever met. He never stops talking and never says anything in______. 6. I was as______ when I heard they were getting divorced. They had always seemed so happy together. 7. I'm starting a new job next week. I'm quite ex______ about it.
Exercise 14. Decide which of the words in brackets completes each of the sentences.
1. I was very amused when I saw the play. (amused, boring) 2. I felt really ______ to hear about your success. (thrilled, exciting) 3. That book you gave me was very ______ . (excited, amusing) 4. He felt ______ about what they told him. (confused, worrying) 5. The journey from Australia was really ______. (amazed, tiring) 6. What’s the most ______ experience you’ve ever had? (embarrassed, frightening) 7. They were ______ by your news. (horrified, thrilling) 8. All the guests were completely ______ by the awful food. (disgusted, revolting) 9. His wife was ______ when he told her he was leaving. (shocked, amazing) 10. What you’ve just told me is very ______. (surprised, confusing) 11. You’re a very ______ person; I never thought you would do anything like that. (astonished, surprising) 12. The details of the accident were ______. (frightened, horrifying)
Exercise 15. Complete the following sentences by choosing a or b.
1. She is very interested. A. I think you should tell her more.
2. She is very interesting. B. I think you should listen to her more.
3. He is very boring. A. There are no other children to play with.
4. He is very bored. B. That’s why no one plays with him.
1. When you describe the thing or person which produces a A. –ed.
feeling or an effect, the adjective ends in
2. When you describe how someone or something feels or B. –ing.
is affected, the adjective ends in
Exercise 16. Rewrite the following sentences using -ed/ -ing or other endings. Make the necessary changes.
1. The coincidence amazed us. We were amazed by the coincidence.
2. The journey tired us. The journey ______.
3. The experience upset Sylvia. Sylvia ______ .
4. The experience upset us. The experience ______ .
5. Gloria enchanted me. Gloria ______ .
6. I enchanted Gloria. Gloria ______ .
7. The children delighted us. The children ______ .
8. The children delighted us. We ______ .
9. The new building impresses us. The new building ______ .
10. The new building impresses everybody. Everybody ______ .
Exercise 17. Translate into English.
1. Он знал, что когда-то она была красавицей, но сейчас вид ее увядшей красоты заставил его вспомнить о своем собственном возрасте. 2. Танцующие люди выглядели вполне довольными проведенным вечером. 3. Я никогда не забуду эту неловкую ситуацию, а особенно твои горящие уши. 4. Едва она зашла в ванную, как увидела осколки разбитой вазы в умывальнике. Кто же вымыл ее кипятком? 5. Он никогда бы не подумал, что это заброшенное место когда-то было процветающим городом. 6. Теперь, когда ты все таки поставил в комнату этот письменный стол, мне некуда поставить мою гладильную доску. 7. Мы были единственными посетителями ресторанчика, и видимо являлись своего рода развлечением для скучающего официанта. 8. Эта захватывающая книга не давала мне заснуть всю ночь. 9. Опубликованные письма были очень важны для него. Он вздрогнул, представив себе смеющихся коллег, расстроенных родителей и плачущую жену. 10. Сад выглядел печально. Печальными были увядшие цветы, печальными были потемневшие деревья. 11. Это был тщательно продуманный план, и его было необходимо держать в строгой тайне от таких болтливых людей как Сэм. 12. Это действительно увлекательная история вряд ли могла произойти с таким занудным человеком как Том. 13. Женщина не могла поверить своим глазам. Неужели это замерзшее апельсиновое дерево было в цвету всего неделю назад? 14. Сейчас в прессе очень много говорится о судьбе развивающихся стран. 15. Они увидели перевернутые столы и стулья, осколки разбитого стекла на порванном ковре, плачущих людей и поняли, что им очень повезло, что они застряли в пробке. 16. Они устроились на поваленном дереве и продолжили беседу. 17. Он с ужасом посмотрел на свою растянутую ногу: она отекла и уже начинала синеть. 18. Звук открываемой двери окончательно разбудил его. 19. Наказанный ребенок сидел в углу комнаты и громко плакал. Вид плачущего ребенка заставил отца немного смягчить наказание: — Ну хорошо, можешь пойти в бассейн, но гулять ты сегодня не будешь. 20. Психологи утверждают, что очень часто родители не понимают, что их выросшие ‘мальчики и девочки’ уже больше не дети и требуют к себе уважения как и другие взрослые. 21. Она поставила передо мной тарелку жареной рыбы и ушла, не сказав ни слова. 22. Переведенный текст оказался намного хуже оригинала: написанные слова никак не хотели превращаться в законченные предложения. 23. Говорящая кукла заинтересовала ребенка только на минуту, затем он снова начал плакать. 24. Список вымирающих животных увеличивается каждый год. 25.У вас серьезные проблемы с желудком. Я рекомендую вам пить только кипяченную или специальную питьевую воду.