Retell each text.


Prepare a short story about your friend (friends) using these texts as a model.


Grammar exercises

Личные местоимения Притяжательные местоимения
именительный падеж (кто? что)? объектный падеж (кому? кого?)
I – я me – мне, меня my – мой
you – ты you – тебе, тебя your – твой
he – он him – ему, его his – его
she – она her – ей, её her – её
it – оно, он, она it – ему, его its – его, её (свой)
we – мы us – нам, нас our – наш
you – вы you – вам, вас your – ваш
they – они   them – им, их their – их

Put in the correct pronoun. Consult the prompts in the table.


1. I am fond of reading English books. I read (их) in the evening.

2. Could you pass (мне) the knife, please?

3. Excuse (.меня).

4. Is Kate here? I don't see (её).

5. Tell (ему) about it.

6. We learn English. Our work helps (нам) to speak English better.

7. - Do you want to read this book?

- I've already read (её).

8. I can show (тебе) the picture.

The Verbs to be, to have.


2. Put the verb to be into the correct form of the Present Simple.


1. My friend's wife (to be) a doctor.

2. Moscow (to be) the capital of our country.

3. Orlov's children (to be) at the lesson now.

4. They (not to be) at school now, they (to be) at home.

5. These boys (to be) your children?

6. I (to be) happy to have such a friend.

7. We (to be) four in the family.

8. Where (to be) you now?

9. My grandmother (to be) charming.

10. What (to be) your father?

11. Mike (not to be) right.

12. I (to be) a student.

3. Put the verb to be into the correct form of the Present Simple.

1. One of my friends (to have) English classes every day.

2. My daughter (to have) a friend who speaks English very well.

3. They (not to have) English books at home.

4. He (not to have) English classes every day.

5. You (have) many children?

6. We (to have) many friends abroad.

7. I (to have) an elder brother and a younger sister.

8. David (to have) a chance to see it.

9. My grandfather (to have) a sense of humour.

10. The Browns (to have) many pets at home.

4. Put the verbs to be and to have into the correct form of the Present Simple.

1. My friend (be) at home now.

2. We (have) English classes twice a week.

3. Weather (be) nothing, happiness (be) all.

4. She (be) an economist.

5. A good teacher (have) some of the gifts of a good actor.

6. Aleck's girl-friend (have) dark brown eyes.

7. Education (be) not just learning facts.

8. Their major (to be) Pharmacy.

9. My parents (not to have) much free time.

10. It (to be) difficult to do these exercises.

11. My father (to be) abroad now.

12. My family (to have) a nice house at the seaside.

13. They (to have) a wonderful library at home.

Speech practice