16. Запомните следующие слова:
application software artificial intelligence assembly language CD-ROM central processing unit (CPU) computer-aided design (CAD) diskette (floppy disk) display monitor dot-matrix printer electronic-mail (e-mail) facsimile machine (FAX) fixed disk (hard disk) hard copy (output) hardware high-level programming language ink-jet printer input device integrated circuit keyboard letter-quality printer large-scale integration (LSI) low-level language main memory mainframe multiuser natural language nonimpact printer off-the-shelf software programmer random-access memory (RAM) secondary storage second-generation language software software interface very large-scale integration | прикладное программное обеспечение; искусственный интеллект; язык ассемблера; компакт-диск; центральный процессор; автоматизированное проектирование; дискета (флоппи-диск); дисплей; матричный принтер; электронная почта; факс (факсимильная машина); жесткий диск, винчестер; печатный или машинописный текст; аппаратное обеспечение; язык программирования высокого уровня; струйное печатающее устройство; устройство ввода; интегральная схема, ИС; клавиатура; принтер с типографским качеством печати; интеграция высокого уровня; язык низкого уровня; основная память, оперативная память; большая ЭВМ; многоабонентский; естественный язык; безударный принтер; стандартное ПО; программист; прямой [произвольный] доступ; способ организации доступа к устройству памяти, при котором для чтения/записи произвольного блока данных не требуется последовательный просмотр блоков, начиная с самого первого, например ОЗУ; вспомогательное ЗУ; внешнее ЗУ; язык второго поколения; компьютерные программы, программное обеспечение; 1) поверхность раздела; граница раздела; 2) устройство сопряжения; связующее звено, интерфейс (между человеком и ЭВМ или машиной); 1) сверхбольшие интегральные схемы (СБИС). |
17. Прочтите и переведите текст.
A computer is an electronic device used to process information. It is this function of the computer that placed it at the centre of our transition from the industrial period of our society to the information age. Today, we encounter computers in almost every aspect of society. Computers are highly visible in such professions as education, science, medicine, and business, but they also can be found behind-the-scenes at the grocery store, in our automobiles, microwave ovens, and VCRs.
Computers have evolved through several generations. Each new generation is based on technological innovations and new methods of processing data. The first generation began with the development of the earliest large mainframe computers. These room-sized computers, such as the UNIVAC 1, were based on electromechanical devices and vacuum-tube technology. Computers based on the transistor, which was invented in the late 1950s, mark the beginning of the second generation of computers. Transistors brought about the development of smaller, faster, and more efficient computers.
The third generation of computers used integrated circuits that opened the door for the creation of even smaller and faster computers. These smaller computers were known as minicomputers and were the first to incorporate operating systems that automated many of the computer's operational tasks, tasks that had been formerly handled by humans.
The fourth generation of computers is characterized by large-scale integration of computer circuitry and small microprocessors. Microcomputers (also called personal computers or PCs) were based on these microprocessors and they put computing power into the hands of individual users. In the future, computers that utilize artificial intelligence technologies will be able to make decisions based on accumulated evidence.
Although the technological innovations that mark the different generations in the evolution of the computer are generally concerned with the central processing capabilities of the computer, a computer system is actually an integrated set of computing components. A computer system requires input devices (keyboard, mouse, scanners, etc.) to get information into the computer and output devices (monitor, printer, etc.) to get information out of the computer.
These physical components of the computer are known as hardware. The set of instructions or programs that are created by programmers to control the computer's response to user input is known as software.
There are several types of software: systems software, which refers to the programs used to operate the computer itself applications software, which refers to
programs used to perform various tasks such as word processing, database management, and record keeping; and programming software, which refers to programs used to create software.
Programming languages have evolved through a series of generations, just as computer hardware has. Machine languages give the programmer precise control over all of the computer’s activities using programming commands that are closely related to hardware capabilities. Assembly languages use easier-to-understand code words rather than the binary code used in machine languages. High-level languages, which utilize English-like instructions, made the programming process much easier.
Today, nonprocedural languages, object-oriented languages, and natural-language approaches provide much more flexibility to programmers by eliminating the need for many of the special syntax rules of earlier languages. Just as the personal computer gave computing power to the individual, today’s new authoring tools are providing a way for nonprogrammers to create their own programs.
18. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is a computer?
2. Where are today’s computers being used?
3. What technological advances are identified with each generation of computers?
4. What is a programming language and how is it different from an operating system or an applications program?
5. What contribution did the integrated circuit make to the development of computers?
6. How will new technologies such as artificial intelligence and expert systems affect the use of computers in the future?
7. What is the function of a computer’s central processing unit (CPU)?
8. Why is a computer’s main memory system called random-access memory (RAM) and how does it differ from secondary storage systems?
9. What does the term “interface” refer to?
19. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:
specially designed climate-controlled rooms; knowledgeable computer users; word processing; computerized learning programs; on-screen digitized video; real-world situations; sophisticated computer programs; medical diagnostic technologies; computer-based medical imaging; fastest-growing areas.