Ex.10 Insert prepositions or post-verbal adverbs where necessary
1. Mr Carter loved to go… long walking tours… the Alps and collect Alpine plants, botany being his hobby. He planned to make a trip… Switzerland… the beginning… summer.
2. In good time he reserved a seat… the British Overseas Air-Lines’ aircraft leaving London Airport… 1p.m … July 11th bound… Geneva. He liked flying… air and was never conscious… any danger.
3. As soon as he had fixed everything… he started packing his things. He usually travelled light so his luggage was well… weight when the porter helped him put it… the aircraft
4. When he was mounting the steps… the gangway he saw someone who was taking leave… his friends whom he had come to see…. They greeted each other cordially but Mr Carter had to get… the airplane straight… as the voice… the announcer was calling the passengers… flight 256… Geneva to take their seats.
5. The airhostess showed Mr Carter… his place, which was… a porthole. As soon as the passengers had settled… “NO SMOKING”, and “FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELTS” lit up over the door… the pilot’s cabin. The aircraft taxied…. the starting point, ran… the runway, and… a few minutes after a very smooth take off was… the air
6. Looking… Mr Carter saw England disappear… the wings of the aircraft. Soon the airhostess came… a tray of chocolates, cigars, and cigarettes. Later on some delicious tea was served. Mr Carter was not conscious… time so magnificent was the scene unfolding… them. Now they were… clouds and the sun was shining brightly. How long was he…? He couldn’t tell when he heard the air hostess asking them to get ready… the descent.
Useful Words and Phrases
reserve a passage
(a berth, a cabin) заказать билет на пароход
on board a ship на борту
raise the gangway поднять трап, сходни
set sail for отплыть в...
call at a port зайти в порт
be moored at a pier быть пришвартованным
cast anchor бросить якорь
weigh anchor сняться с якоря
have a smooth совершать спокойный переезд по
(rough) voyage; морю (переезд по бушующему морю)
(passage crossing)
rough sea бурное море
calm sea спокойное море
tide прилив, отлив
stream (current) поток/течение
up stream вверх по течению
fresh water пресная вода
shipwreck кораблекрушение
tossing качка
pitching килевая качка
rolling боковая качка
be a poor sailor плохо переносить морскую качку
be sea sick/to suffer from sea sickness страдать от морской болезни
old salt морской "волк"