Ex.1 These nouns are all used in connection with travel, to describe different kinds of journeys. Match each word to its definition on the right.


Topical vocabulary



travelling путешествие (особенно за


to like/to be fond of travelling любить путешествовать

journey путешествие, поездка (дли-


trip путешествие, поездка (короткая)

cruise морской круиз

voyage путешествие (по морю,

воздуху, в космосе)

hike (hiking trip) пешеходный поход, экскурсия

hitch-hike путешествовать, пользуясь

попутным транспортом

make a journey, trip, etc совершить путешествие

go on/to set off for a journey, trip, etc. отправиться в путешествие

go on a (two-day) tour/trip отправиться в двухдневную


travel agency (tourist agency) бюро путешествий

package tour/holiday путешествие по

туристической путевке

buy a package tour купить туристическую путевку

booking office билетная касса

reserved booking (reservation) предварительный заказ,


book tickets купить билеты (заранее)

get tickets достать билеты

book tickets in advance заказать билеты

deliver (the tickets) доставить (билеты)

have (the tickets) delivered получить билеты (с доставкой на дом)

cancel booking аннулировать предварительный


a ticket for a train a plane etc., билет на поезд, самолет и т.д.

be sold out/to be booked up быть проданным (о билетах)

departure(s) отправление

arrival (s) прибытие

leave on the dot/on time отправляться по расписанию

keep to schedule идти по расписанию (о поезде,

самолете и т.д.)

be behind/to fall behind schedule (New York) опаздывать (о поезде и т.д.

via (Prague and London) в (Нью-Йорк) через (Прагу и Лондон)

catch the train (plane, etc) успеть на поезд (самолет и т.д.)

board (a train, a ship a plane) сесть на (поезд и т.д.)

get off/to alight from (a train, etc) сойти с (поезда и т.д.)

boarding посадка

travel light путешествовать налегке

(без багажа)

luggage (baggage) багаж

hand luggage (baggage) ручной багаж

check one's luggage сдать веши в багаж

tag бирка, прикрепляемая к чемодану

luggage (baggage) receipt (slip) багажная квитанция ,

suit case чемодан

trunk большой чемодан (сундук)

left-luggage office (cloak-room; check-room) камера хранения

lost property office (lost and found office) бюро находок

to produce tickets предъявить билеты

porter носильщик

to see smb off провожать кого-либо

send off проводы

wave/blow a kiss послать воздушный поцелуй

take leave of smb прощаться с кем-либо

fellow-passenger попутчик

en route в пути

arrive at/be due (in)... прибыть в ...

Ex.1 These nouns are all used in connection with travel, to describe different kinds of journeys. Match each word to its definition on the right.

journey, trip, cruise. tour, flight, crossing, voyage, excursion, outing, expedition, travel.

a) a long journey by sea or in space; b) a short pleasure trip with a group; c) visiting different places, often with a guide; d) a short journey or a journey made on business; e) a journey by ship between two ports; f) visiting different places by ship; g) a journey by air; h) a short pleasure trip; i) an act of travelling or the time during which you travel from one place to another, especially when you go a long way; j) taking journeys as a general activity of moving from place to place; k) a journey for a scientific or a special purpose.


Ex.2 Complete each sentence by using a word: flight, journey, trip, excursion, travel, voyage, outing, tour, crossing, cruise, expedition.

1. Before the invention of the aeroplane, the … from Britain to America could take weeks, even months sometimes. 2. The plane now arriving is … SAS 343 from Copenhagen. 3. The first thing I did when I got to London was to go on a sightseeing … . 4. Last summer I stayed in Brighton and one day our group went on a very interesting … to Blenheim Palace, the home of the late Winston Churchill. 5. My uncle is going on an … next year to try to discover the lost city of Atlantis. 6. How long does the train … from London to Edinburgh take? 7. Last year my mother went on a Mediterranean … and was seasick practi­cally the whole time. 8. We went on a day's … to the zoo in Copenhagen and the whole family loved it. 9. I've just come back from a business … to New York. 10. … is one of my main interests. 11. The first time I went from England to France we had a very rough … .