B) Correct the sentences if necessary. Tick any which are already correct.
1 There's the woman who she sold me the oranges.
2 This is my brother, who's wife's French.
3 Did you ever meet the model who's married Jeff’s cousin?
4 I don't like people which talk too loudly.
5 That's the car whose brakes are being repaired.
6 I know a little tavern at where you can get a wonderful meal.
7 Do you understand what he said?
8 I suppose that's the house where we'll have to stay in.
9 Could we arrange a time when we'll both be free?
10 I'm afraid I haven't sent exactly what he asked for.
11 That I can't stand is queuing in the rain.
12 Have you any idea to whom I'll be speaking to?
13 Is that the school which you studied?
14 He'll show the new students which to do.
15 You'd better tell me the reason for he didn't turn up.
16 That's the old chap whom you met at the bus-stop last week, isn't it?
17 That was the day when I mislaid my passport.
18 What he told you is hopelessly inaccurate.
Exercise 2. Join the sentences together into one sentence using WH-CLAUSES or THAT- CLAUSES.
Example: Не saw something. He didn't like it. à He didn't like what he saw.
1) I'll do something or other, and it will be well thought out. Whatever.....................................................................................
2) It must be Pete's brother! This suddenly dawned on me.
3) What are we looking for? We don't know.
4) This man is your brother. We are certain of it.
5)Something or other was going on in the investigation; he felt he was closer to it than he had been before.
6) Improved breathing would bring better co-ordination. This was the vital factor.
7) Why should they wish to look like that appalling man? It's beyond me. It's...............................................................................................
8) We have 28 professionals. You can't run away from that fact. You..............................................................................................
9) The document has been wrongly dated and ought to read 1932 instead of 1931. This is clear from the contents.
10) Someone said history repeats itself first as tragedy, then as farce.
They were right.
11) Iam going to say something. Please listen carefully.
12) Who does it belong to? That's something they are still arguing over. They"....;.......................................................................................
13) Whose money is it? That doesn't matter!
It ...............................................................................
14) Howshould we handle this? Let's talk about it.
Exercise 9. Translate into Russian:
1. Вилы это инструмент, предназначенный для уборки сена и соломы.
2. Я знаю одного человека, который работает юристом и хорошо знаком с этой системой..
3. Помнишь, когда мы впервые познакомились.
4. Она провалила сессию, что очень расстроило ее родителей.
5. Мне хочется поехать куда-нибудь, где природа еще осталась нетронутой.
6. Фильм, который я так хотел посмотреть, оказался скучным.
7. Женщина, с которой ты вчера разговаривала, работает в больнице для неизлечимых больных.
8. Это кольцо – подарок моего мужа в день свадьбы, что очень ценно для меня.
9. Это то самое кафе, куда мы любили заглядывать, когда были студентами.
10. Не ошибается тот, кто ничего не делает (посл.).