Exercise 1. Cause and Effect prepositions with verbs.
A: Translate the sentences into English paying special attention to the prepositions.
1. Она горько плакала от горя.
2. Не волнуйся, я плачу от радости!
3. Раненые стонали от боли. (groan)
4. Он застонал от бессилия.
5. Дети визжали от смеха.
6. Когда девочка увидела тигра, она закричала от ужаса.
7. Собака скулила от боли.
8. От боли и потери крови она потеряла сознание.
9. Она дрожала от холода.
10. Она умерла от тифа в 1919, а он годом позже умер от инфаркта.
11. Многие дети умирают в Африке от голода.
12. Маленькая девочка подпрыгивала от нетерпения и от радости.
B: Fill the gaps with the following prepositions or prepositional phrases:through, thanks to, out of, from, on account of, by.
1. She suffered _________heart disease.
2. We succeeded _______ sheer hard work.
3. I think I should like to taste a piece of octopus, just _________ curiosity.
4. He felt that she was silent _________embarrassment.
5. How many days were lost ________sickness?
6. Nickel prices have rocketed, ________a record output of stainless steel.
7. ________her sheer nervousness she said a few more stupid things.
8. The explorers died ______cold before they reached the North Pole.
9. _______John we arrived 3 hours late.
10. I came to you _______desperation – you’ve got to help me.
11. ________him I was introduced to some high-up people.
12. He did it _____a sense of duty.
13. You didn’t really want that last cake, you only took it ________spite.
14. Hundreds of working days have been lost this year ________illness.
15. _________ your carelessness, those important documents have been lost.
16. I came ____interest.
17. All our water was boiled _________there being a danger of typhoid fever.
18. You had a narrow escape ________your good luck.
19. The Community Association collapsed _________lack of support.
20. Why did you do it? Was it ___________what I said yesterday?
21. _______spite, Sylvia passed on the story of the affair to the newspapers.
22. We had to move to London __________my job.
23. He died in prison _________pneumonia.
24. _________him I began to learn to trust my feelings.
25. My eyes hurt _________the wind.
26. Not all the artists’ problems can be solved _________funding.
27. The company has had a successful year, ______ mainly __ the improvement in export sales.
28. We don’t get great pleasure _________it.
29. You’re in trouble ______me already.
30. She put salt into her tea _____mistake.