B) Now insert the appropriate linker into the gaps.


1. I was already an old person _____ I stopped acting in that way.

2. Would you mind not questioning Pauline _______ you have studied the journal?

3. They had known each other for only three months ______ he left Brisbane.

4. She was a trifle unbalanced, perhaps even suicidal at the time. _______, she had attacked and beaten a complete stranger.

5. Не took a pencil out of his jacket and fumbled around _______ he found an old envelope.

6. He'll have to wait ______ we've finished here.

7. Floods have ruined the roads and communications. ________, they washed away the crops.

8. At this rate we'll capsize ________ we get to Rocky Isle.

9. _______ she had time to say a word, Andrew appeared.

10. She had put the phone down _______ he could press her for an answer.

11. He could authorize nothing _______ he had spoken to the new minister.

12. People always interrupted him ________ he had finished what he was trying to say.

13. Read the document carefully ________ you sign it.

14. They have recently identified the species of moth. ________ they enthusiastically expressed quite contradictory views.

15. He says he has never been in contact with him. ________, however, he claimed they were friends.



Exercise 3. Choose the correct linking word. Explain your choice.

1. It was crazy that Dad was home simultaneously/ while his wife was working.

2. She had just crept out while/meanwhile he slept.

3. Someone else fetches the horse whilst/in the meantime the owner is at work.

4. She grinned to herself as/simultaneously she lay awake in the dormitory.

5. As/while he looked at the coin, his whole expression changed.

6. The telephone began to ring as/in the meantime he unlocked the door.

7. "Did you get my letters?" — "I received one just as/meanwhile I was setting out."

8. I'll never forget those soldiers as long as/whilst I live.

9. I will be back with them as soon as I can," he promised. "Whilst/in the meantime, try to get some rest."

10. The government will manage the company until it can be dismantled or sold. Meanwhile/ In the meantime, its 28 offices will remain open.

11. Elizabeth dried her hair and changed her clothes. As long as/ Meanwhile I fiddled with the tape recorder.

12. Saute the onion and celery in a small frying pan. Simultaneously/ Meanwhile melt the margarine in a saucepan.

13. At that moment a vivid bolt of lightning flashed across the cove. While/ Simultaneously a deafening crack split the air.

14. The program uses so little of the computer's processing power that it is possible to do other things as long as/ at the same time.



Exercise 4. Transform the following time clauses into impersonal ones.

Example: When they were making records in the 1920s, sound engineers often made two recordings for safety's sake à When making records in the 1920s, sound engineers often made two recordings for safety's sake.

1. Whenthey werelifting weights off the floor, bend your knees and keep your back straightand long.

2. After it had been colonized by Spain, Haiti was ceded to France in 1697.

3. It was certainly the best meal I had had since I left home.

4. The people will report to you before they make any major decisions.

5. The 65-year-old accepted his judgement until he heard a radio broadcast in 1988 about a similar case.

6. Wedecided to maximize our return on each product while we hoped our superiorquality would win out.

7. Water is liquid, but when it is heated it becomes vapour and when it is frozen it issolid.

8. A man is guilty until he is proved innocent.

9. Grillfor 15 to 20 minutes, turning occasionally until it is cooked.

10. On the other hand, once you have seen this apartment, who'd have the courage to complain ?

11. The full figures, when they are available, will show imports remaining at a highlevel.

12. Weavoided one another, whenever it was possible.

13. Greenwood continued to talk daily with Fennymore while he was in Florida.

14. Once she was inside her apartment she felt an urge to brush her teeth.

15. Cover and put in a cool place until it is ready to serve.


Exercise 5. Translate into English.


1. В ожидании пока вода закипит, она еще раз заглянула в гостиную.

2. Когда закончите, Вас проводят в Вашу комнату.

3. Это случилось в тот день, когда из банка мне пришло уведомление.

4. Много воды утекло с тех пор.

5. Ему придется подождать, пока мы не закончим.

6. Внимательно прочтите инструкцию, прежде чем приступите к эксплуатации.

7. Едва она вошла, как объявили ее очередь выступать.

8. Сейчас это музей. Ранее здесь располагался его рабочий кабинет.

9. Как только поверхность высохнет, запах исчезнет.

10. Я пойду сушить волосы, а ты пока посмотри журнал.

11. Ты мне понадобишься через час, а до тех пор пока можешь отдохнуть.