Вопрос №21

Теоретикалык фонетика


Вопрос №1

The type of English pronunciation accepted as the teaching norm in our country.

A. Received Pronunciation

B. Standard Scottish

C. Cockney

D. General Amarican

Вопрос №2

A minimal abstract linguistic unit realized in speech in the form of speech sounds

A. phoneme

B. morpheme

C. word

D. letter

Вопрос №3

Qualitative or quantitative weakening of vowels in unstressed positions

A. reduction

B. assimilation

C. corruption

D. accommodation


Вопрос №4

The view of the phoneme as a “family” of related sounds

A. physical

B. mentalistic

C. functional

D. abstract


Вопрос №5

The view of the phoneme as an ideal “mental image”

A. mentalistic

B. abstract

C. functional

D. physical


Вопрос №6

The view of the phoneme pioneered by L. Hjelmslev.

A. abstract

B. functional

C. mentalistic

D. physical


Вопрос №7

The science of speech sounds considered as elements of language.

A. Phonetics

B. Anthropology

C. Lexicology

D. Grammar

Вопрос №8

Various speech realizations of the phoneme

A. Allophones

B. letters

C. invariants

D. syllables

Вопрос №9

The allophones which do not undergo any distinguishable changes in the chain of speech

A. Principal

B. prinsipal

C. main

D. real

Вопрос №10

The type of word stress in English

A. dynamic

B. musical

C. strong

D. qualitative


Вопрос №11

Complete loss of sounds

A. elision

B. accommodation

C. assimilation

D. transmission


Вопрос №12

The class of consonants in the production of which a complete obstruction is formed

A. occlusive

B. lateral

C. constrictive


Вопрос №13

The class of consonants in the production of which an incomplete obstruction is formed

A. constrictive

B. affricates

C. plosives

D. occlusive


Вопрос №14

The founder of the phoneme theory

  1. I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay
  2. L. Bloomfield
  3. D. Jones
  4. L. Hjelmslev


Вопрос №15

The linguist who introduced the term “ Received Pronunciation”

A. D. Jones

B. L. Bloomfield

C. L. Jones

D. L. Smith


Вопрос №16

A minimal pronounceable unit into which sounds show a tendency to cluster of group themselves

A. syllable

B. word

C. phrase

D. phoneme


Вопрос №17

The type of syllables that is fundamental in English

A. closed

B. clozed

C. cloned

D. uncovered


Вопрос №18

The type of syllables that is fundamental in Russian

A. open

B. closed

C. covered

D. uncovered

Вопрос №19

This sound in English never occurs word finally

A. [h]

B. [k]

C. [l]

D. [z]

Вопрос №20

In this language vowels never follow each other

A. Arabic

B. English

C. Russian

D. Latin

Вопрос №21

Slight degree of nasalization of vowels preceded or followed by nasal sonorants

A. accommodation

B. reduction

C. elision

D. assimilation