Hard study made him asleep.
Lecture 1
Stylistics as a Branch of Linguistics.
I. The subject matter of the course of stylistics.
II. The origin of the terms “stylistics”.
III. Stylistics and other linguistic disciplines.
IV. Types of stylistics. Style in language. Style in imaginative literature.
V. The concept of the norm.
VI. Style, redundancy and information theory. C. Shannon, W. Weaver, M. Riffaterre.
VII. Information theory.
VIII. The purpose of the course of stylistics.
The subject matter of the course of stylistics.
Stylistics is a branch of general linguistics, its other branches are grammar, lexicology, phonetics. Nearly every traditional branch of linguistics has definitely outlined objects and aims of research. Thus it is common knowledge that phonetics deals with speech sounds and intonation; lexicology treats separate words with their meanings and the structure of the vocabulary as a whole; grammar analyses forms of words (morphology) and forms of word-combinations (syntax).
Stylistics deals mainly with two interdependent tasks:
1. It investigates the inventory of special language means which secure the desirable effect of the utterance. They are called stylistic devices (SDs) or expressive means (EMs).
2. It investigates certain types of texts which due to the choice and arrangement of language means are distinguished by the pragmatic aspect of communication. They are called functional styles of the language (FSs).
[The number of FSs and the principles of their differentiation change with time; we shall single out the following FSs:
a. Official Style, represented in all kinds of official documents and papers.
b. Scientific Style, found in articles, monographs and other scientific, academic publications.
c. Publicistic Style, covering such genres as essay, feature articles, public speeches, etc.
d. Newspaper Style, observed in the majority of materials printed in newspapers.
e. Belles-lettres Style, embracing numerous and versatile genres of creative writing]
Stylistics also investigates
3. The aesthetic function of language;
4. The emotional colouring in language;
5. The interrelation between language and thought;
6. The individual manner of an author in making use of language;
7. It necessarily touches upon synonymous ways of rendering one and the same idea, emotion, colouring, etc.
English and American books abound in examples of stylistic variations:
A. Подайте автомобиль начальника.
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B. Indefatigable pursuit of knowledge induced somnolence in him.
Hard study made him asleep.