Цай Е.Н., Абрамович Е.А.
Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка
Дневная 4 года 4 курс
Цай Е.Н., Абрамович Е.А.
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: he took my advice and my wallet
A)& Zeugma
B) Periphrases
C) Metonymy
D) Epithet
E) Climax
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: As brave as a lion, crazy like a fox
A) Metonymy
B) Periphrases
C)& Simile
D) Epithet
E) Climax
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: Her cheeks were as red as a tulip
A) Metonymy
B) Periphrases
C) Climax
D) Epithet
E)& Simile
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: Cuckoo, splash, buzz
A) Metonymy
B) Periphrases
C)& Onomatopoeia
D) Epithet
E) Climax
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: She is a real flower
A) Metonymy
B) Periphrases
C)& Metaphor
D) Epithet
E) Climax
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: You won’t be sorry – meaning you’ll be glad
A) Metonymy
B)& Litotes
C) Periphrases
D) Epithet
E) Climax
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: I have told you million times….
A) Metonymy
B) Periphrases
C)& Hyperbole
D) Epithet
E) Climax
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: Faith unfaithful kept him falsely true
A) Metonymy
B) Periphrases
C)& Oxymoron
D) Epithet
E) Climax
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: A stitch in time saves nine
A)& Proverb, saying
B) Metonymy
C) Periphrases
D) Epithet
E) Climax
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins
A)& Antithesis
B) Metonymy
C) Periphrases
D) Epithet
E) Climax
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: I spent the evening reading Shekspeare
A) Climax
B) Metonymy
C) Priphrases
D) Epithet
E)& Metonymy
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: The pigs were asqueal
A)& Pun
B) Metonymy
C) Periphrases
D) Epithet
E) climax
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence:
The client: -Do you serve cards here?
The Waiter: -Yes, we serve everyone
A)& Pun
B) Metonymy
C) Periphrases
D) Epithet
E) Climax
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: For glances beget ogles sighs, sighs wishes, wishes words, and words a letter
A)& Repetition
B) Metonymy
C) Periphrases
D) Epithet
E) Climax
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: Youth is lovely, age is lonely; Youth is fiery, age is frost
A) Climax
B) Metonymy
C) Periphrases
D) Epithet
E)& Antithesis
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: Clockwork precision, crushing defeat, the whip and carrot policy
A) Climax
B) Metonymy
C) Periphrases
D) Epithet
E)& Cliche
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: Soams turned away; he had an utter disinclination for talk, like one standing before an open grave…
A) Climax
B) Metonymy
C) Periphrases
D) Epithet
E)& Asyndeton
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: The heaviest rain, and snow, and hail, and sleet, could boast of the advantage over him in only one respect
A) Climax
B)& Polysyndeton
C) Periphrases
D) Metonymy
E) Epithet
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: (break-in-the-narrative): Good intentions but-;you just come home or I’ll…
A) Climax
B) Metonymy
C) Periphrases
D) Epithet
E)& Aposiopesis
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: How long must we suffer? Where is the end? Who knows?
A) Climax
B) Metonymy
C)& Rhetorical guestions
D) Periphrases
E) Epithet
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: I must be delightful to find oneselfin a foreign country without a penny in one’s pocket
A) Climax
B) Metonymy
C) Periphrases
D) Epithet
E)& Irony
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: Massachusetts was hostile to the American flag, and she would not allow it to be hoisted on her State House
A) Climax
B) Metonymy
C) Periphrases
D) Epithet
E)& Polysemy
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: May’s mother always stood on her gentility; and Dot’s mother never stood on anything but her active little feet
A) Climax
B)& Zeugma and pun
C) Periphrases
D) Epithet
E) Metonymy
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: A well – matched, fairly – balanced give – and take couple
A) Climax
B) Metonymy
C) Periphrases
D) Oxymoron
E)& Epithet
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: Peopled desert, populous solitude, proud humility
A) Climax
B) Metonymy
C) Periphrases
D) Epithet
E)& Oxymoron
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: Mr. Facing-Both-ways does not get very far in this world
A)& Antonomasia
B) Climax
C) Metonomy
D) Periphrases
E) Epithet
What stylistic device is used : Coupla
A) Alliteration
B) Anadiplosis
C) Chiasmus
D) Epiphora
E)& Cliché
What stylistic device is used: Doncha
A)& Cliché
B) Climax
C) Alussion
D) Suspence
E) Parallel construction
What stylistic device is used : Mighta
A) Hyperbole
B)& Cliché
C) Rhetorical question
D) Allusion
E) Metaphor
What stylistic device is used : Work – in Fast Food Restaurant
A)& Graphon
B) Climax
C) Alussion
D) Suspence
E) Parallel construction
What stylistic device is used : Rite Bread shop
A) Metaphor
B) Ellipsis
C) Allusion
D) Cliché
E)& Graphon
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: The b-b-b-b-bas-tud-he seen me c-c-c-c-com-ing
A) Poetic words
B) Terms
C)& Graphon
D) Barbarisms
E) Foreign words
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: You don’t mean to they that thith ith firth time
A)& Graphon
B) Climax
C) Alussion
D) Suspence
E) Prallel construction
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: Alllll aboarrrrrrd
A) Poetic words
B) Terms
C)& Multiplication
D) Barbarisms
E) Foreign words
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: Help. Help. HELP
A) Hyperbole
B)& Capitalization
C) Rhetorical question
D) Allusion
E) Metaphor
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: “grinning like a chem.- – pan - zee ”
A) Poetic words
B) Terms
C)& Hyphenation
D) Barbarisms
E) Foreign words
What stylistic device is this: 2nite
A) Chasmus
B) Litotes
C) Metonymy
D)& Computer graphical means
E) Inversion
What stylistic device is this: F2T
A) Poetic words
B) Terms
C) Archaisms
D)& Computer graphical means
E) Foreign words
What stylistic device is used: THNQ
A)& Computer graphical means
B) Climax
C) Alussion
D) Suspence
E) Parallel construction
What stylistic device is used: BTW
A) Chasmus
B) Litotes
C) Metonomy
D)& Computer graphical means
E) Inversion
What stylistic device is used: OIC
A) Hyperbole
B)& Computer graphical means
C) Rhetorical question
D) Allusion
E) Metaphor
What stylistic device is used: @
A)& Computer graphical means
B) Asyndeton
C) Suspence
D) Inversion
E) Climax
What stylistic device is used: CU@8
A) Alliteration
B) Anadiplosis
C)& Computer graphical means
D) Epiphora
E) Anaphora
What stylistic device is used: SUN1
A) Periphrases
B) Oxymoron
C) Transferred epithet
D) Hyperbole
E)& Computer graphical means
An exhression that has become hackneyed and trite –
A) Hyperbole
B)& Cliché
C) Rhetorical question
D) Allusion
E) Metaphor
Peculiar mode of utterance which is mainly characterised by its brevity –
A) Alliteration
B) Anadiplosis
C)& Proverb
D) Epiphora
E) Anaphora
Stylistic device akin to a proverb, the only difference being that it is coined by individual whose names we know –
A) Periphrases
B) Oxymoron
C) Transferred epithet
D) Hyperbole
E)& Epigram
Prepetition of a phrase or statement from a book, speech and the like used by the way of authority, illustration, proof or as a basic for further speculation on the matter in hand –
A) Onomatopoeia
B) Rhyme
C) Couplets
D)& Quatation
E) Rhythm
An indirect reference, by word or phrase, to a historical, literary, mythological, biblical fact or to a fact of everyday life made in the course of speaking or writing–
A) Alliteration
B) Anadiplosis
C)& Allusion
D) Epiphora
E) Anaphora
Stylistics investigates:
A) Vocabulary of language
B) Properties of words
C)& Expressive qualities of language
D) Patterns of word-formation
E) Semantic relationship between words in the text
Ch. Bally – was the first who founded:
A) Theory if Literature
B) Literary criticism stylistics
C) Comparative Stylistics
D)& Linguo-stylistics
E) Stylistics of perception
Literary Stylistic Analysis is called:
A) Phonostylistics
B) Functional style
C)& Stylistics of perception
D) Lexical stylistics
E) Syntactical stylistics
Expressive potentiality of interrelation of language means in the text is:
A) Stylistic colouring
B) Stylistic device
C)& Expressive means
D) Stylistic function
E) Denotation
Precise naming of a feature of the idea, phenomenon or object, the name by which we recognize the whole of the concept is:
A) Contextual meaning
B) Lexical
C) Emotive
D) Grammatical
E)& Logical
Which of meanings consists of emotional, expressive, evaluative and stylistic components?
A) Grammatical
B) Direct
C) Emotive
D)& Connotative
E) Denotative
The invariant of the phonemic, morphological, lexical and syntactical patterns circulating in language at a given period of time is regarded as:
A) Deviation from the norm
B)& Norm
C) Variants of the norm
D) Linguistic abstraction
E) Vacillation
What makes the neutral laver of the English word-stock the most stable of all layers?
A)& Its universal character
B) Its markedly bookish character
C) Its lively spoken character
D) Its dialectical character
E) Its colloquial character
Repetition of similar sounds in close succession particularly at the beginning of successive words is called:
A) Onomatopoeia
B) Rhyme
C) Couplets
D)& Alliteration
E) Rhythm
Metonymy is the SD based on:
A) Contrary concepts
B)& Substitution of one object for another
C) Resemblance
D) Sensory perception
E) Identification of two objects
What do well call the SD when the author uses a certain property or quality of an object in an opposite or contradictory sense?
A) Antithesis
B) Zeugma
C) Allusion
D)& Irony
E) Parallelism
As SD based on simultaneous realization of various meanings of a word, when it is used in the same grammatical but different semantic relations to two adjacent in the context:
A) Periphrases
B) Oxymoron
C) Transferred epithet
D) Hyperbole
E)& Zeugma
Repetition of a syntactical pattern, but it has a cross order of words & phrases:
A) Alliteration
B) Anadiplosis
C)& Chiasmus
D) Epiphora
E) Anaphora
What SD is achieved when ideas are presented in the order of rising importance?
A) Denouement
B) Retardation
C)& Climax
D) Hyperbole
E) Allusion
The suggesting of a meaning by a word apart from the thing it explicitly means or describes is:
A) Logical meaning
B) Lexical meaning
C) Denotative meaning
D) Connotative meaning
E)& Contextual meaning
What do we call an attributive characterization of a person, thing of phenomenon, consisting of one word, adjective or adverb, modifying respectively nouns or verbs?
A) Metaphor
B) Ellipsis
C) Allusion
D) Cliché
E)& Epithet
What SD is a simultaneous interplay of two structural meanings: that of the question & that of the statement:
A)& Rhetorical question
B) Beak-in-the narrative
C) Qestion-in-the narrative
D) Ayndeton
E) Climax
Functional styles are:
A) Individual style of the writer
B) Stylistic function
C) Aesthetic function of language
D)& Certain types of texts
E) Analysis of Ems and SDs
What is the main function of Belles – Lettres style?
A) Informational
B)& Aesthetico-cognitive
C) Brain-washing
D) Evaluative
E) To influence the reader
What is main function of Publicistic Style:
A) Informational
B) Aesthetico-cognitive
C)& brain-washing
D) Evaluative
E) To reach agreement
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: Down jumped the driver, and out got Mr. Pickwick.:
A) Metonymy
B) Periphrases
C)& Inversion
D) Epithet
E) Climax
Print out the SD: «John … had no blood in him which was not English»:
A) Suspense
B) Litotes
C)& Hyperbole
D) Antithesis
E) Represented speech
What SD is used in the following sentence: If only he could burst out of himself, out of this web that for the first time in his life he felt around him:
A)& Anadiplosis
B) Epithet
C) Simile
D) Parallel construction
E) Suspense
Point out an FS the main function of which is to get into contact:
A) Scientific
B) Newspaper
C) Publicistic
D)& Colloquial
E) Offical documents
The aspect of the Neutral layer of words is its:
A) Lively spoken character
B) Markedly bookish character
C) Phonological character
D)& Universal character
E) Official character
Meaning, which informs about the participants and conditions of communication:
A) Lexical meaning
B) Grammatical meaning
C)& Connotational meaning
D) Logical meaning
E) Primary meaning
Words, denoting objects, processes, phonomena of science, humanities, technique are:
A)& Terms
B) Historical words
C) Archaisms
D) Nonce-words
E) Slang
State words which are grouped under the term Standard English Vocabulary:
A) Common literary, neutral and special colloquial
B)& Special literary, common literary and Neutral
C) Special literary, common literary" and Common colloquia
D) Special literary, special colloquial and neutral
E) Common literary, common colloquial and neutral
State the type of literary words in the example: I must decline to pursue this painful discussion. It is not pleasant to my feelings: it is repugnant to my feelings:
A)& Poetic
B) Archaic
C) Barbarisms
D) Common literary
E) Coinages
State an SD in the sentence: They walked along, two continents of experience and feeling, unable to communicate:
A)& Metaphor
B) Metonymy
C) Suspense
D) Chiasmus
E) Simile
Indicate an SD in the sentence: For several days he took an hour after his work to make inquiry taking with him some examples of his pen and inks:
A) Irony
B) Simile
C) Metaphor
D) Repeptition
E)& Metonymy
State an SD in the sentence: There are two things I look for in a man a sympathetic character and full lips:
A) Chasmus
B) Litotes
C) Metonymy
D)& Zeugma
E) Inversion
State an SD which is based on the interplay of emotive and logical meanings:
A) Hyperbole
B)& Epithet
C) Rhetorical question
D) Allusion
E) Metaphor
State the meaning which is employed in formation of Irony:
A)& Contextual
B) Grammatical
C) Derivative
D) Logical
E) Primary
Indicate the sentence which contains Hyperbole:
A) His painful shoes sipped off
B) The next speaker was a tall gloomy man, sir Some thing Somebody
C) I'm full of poetry now. Rot and Poetry, Rotten poetry
D)& She wore a pink hat, the size of a button
E) Last time it was a nice, simple, European - style war
State an SD in the sentence: You have got two beautiful bad examples for parents:
A) Repetition
B)& Oxymoron
C) Inversion
D) Zeugma
E) Hyperbole
Repeated use of conjunctions is called:
A)& Polysyndeton
B) Asyndeton
C) Suspence
D) Inversion
E) Climax
An SD, based on a semantic opposition, emphasized by its realization in similar structures is:
A)& Antithesis
B) Anticlimax
C) Litotes
D) Periphrases
E) Climax
Find the sentence where Litotes is used:
A) I took my obedient feet away from him
B) His huge leather chairs were kind to the femurs
C) He was inconsolable - for an afternoon
D) They can not discover the truth
E)& It was not unnatural if Gilbert felt a certain embarrassment
State an SD which basically consists of using a roundabout form of expression instead of a simpler one:
A)& Periphrases
B) Climax
C) Alussion
D) Suspence
E) Parallel construction
The Editorial is "genre" of:
A) Official Style
B) Publicistic Style
C) Belles - Lettres Style
D) Scientific Style
E)& Newspaper Style
Postulatory, argumentative, formulation sentence - patterns are features of:
A) Newspaper Style
B)& Scientific
C) Belles-Lettres
D) Publicistic
E) Official
When the last words of two successive lines are rhymed, we deal with":
A) Triple rhyme
B) Cross rhyme
C) Ring rhyme
D)& Couplet
E) Internal rhyme
An SD which conveys to the reader a very strong upsurge of emotions is:
A) Asyndeton
B)& Aposiopesis
C) Suspense
D) Oxymoron
E) Chiasmus
State the type of literary words in the sentence: If manners maketh man, than manner and grooming maketh poodle:
A) Poetic words
B) Terms
C)& Archaisms
D) Barbarisms
E) Foreign words
State an SD the essence of which consists in creation of the question into an emphatic statement expressed in the form of an interrogative sentence:
A)& Rhetorical question
B) Suspence
C) Question - in - the - Narrative
D) Climax
E) Chiasmus
The term "Stylistics" is attested in the Oxford English Dictionary from
A)& 1882
B) 1700
C) 1821
D) 1985
E) 1600
J. Havranek is the representative of the
A)& Prague school
B) Russian school
C) American school
D) Holland school
E) Polish school
The term style is recorded in the Oxford English Dictionary in
A) Five meanings
B) Ten meanings
C) Twenty meanings
D)& Twenty seven meanings
E) Thirty meanings
The first discussion on the problem of style and stylistics took place in
A)& 1954
B) 1963
C) 1896
D) 1985
E) 1789
What stylistic device is used in the following sentence: She opened the door and heart to the homeless boy
A) Metonymy
B) Periphrases
C)& Zeugma
D) Epithet
E) Climax