Lecture 2.3 Devices Based on the Interaction of Primary and Derivative Logical Meanings. Devices Giving Additional Characteristics to the Objects Described
Zeugma.From Greek zeugian meaning to connect. This is the use of two polysemantic words referring to two adjacent notions in the context but in different semantic relations.
Zeugma is a kind of a play upon words, because the basic word of the device enters one combination in one meaning and another combination in another meaning. The first is usually literal, while the second metaphorical.
He paid a visit and a fee.
Петя любил Машу, английский язык и чай с лимоном по вечерам.
There are three types of zeugma:
1. a combination of a set expression and a free phrase
2. a combination of an adverbial prepositional phrase and a prepositional object or attribute
3. where the spheres of usage of two or more units are different (stylistic zeugma)
Pun.In pun we have one and the same word repeated. The term is derived from Italian word pundiglio meaning a fine point. Pun is based on simultaneous realization of a primary and derivative meaning within one context. The distinction between zeugma and pun is that in pun the word upon which the effect is based is repeated twice.
Did you hit a woman with a child? Вы что ей ребенка оставили?
No, Sir. I hit her with a stick (в прямом значении).
The main stylistic function of both devices is based on the interplay between the primary and secondary meanings of one word. As a result achieved is the humorous and satirical effect. And the listener is actively involved in the process of creative work of the author.
Pun is normally considered to be a play upon words because it is usually based either on polysemy or homonymy.
The general formula for pun is as follows: A=B + C, which is a result of a mistakable transformation or shortening of the two statements: A = B and A = C. It, however, turns out that the A of the first statement not only appears to be identical to the A of the second statement. As a result, we obtain not three (A, B, C) members but four of them, which are: A, A1, B and C. Hence, A is unequal to A1.
Have you been seeing spirits? Or taken some? (Ch. Dickens)
There comes a period in every man’s life, but she was just a semicolon in his.
Pun may be realized as polysemy, reflected in one utterance, word or a word combination which has two meanings so that a recipient chooses one or two utterances similar in form, their constituents having different meanings.
Is life worth living? It depends on the liver.
It is not my principle to pay the interest, and it is not my interest to pay the principle (A – B, B – A is a chiasmus, syntactical device).
A mistreatment of a word and its sense may be manifested by the speaker himself, but it may also be done by the interlocutor (the second type of pun is more frequent).
Sam gave Tom a hug and said: “Jesus, you really had us scared”. Tom grinned and said: “You don’t have to call me Jesus when we are alone”.