Reservation tel: (0574) 778463
Park Avenue
SU11 4BY
Reservation tel: (0574) 778463
(2) Personnel Department
Informator Computers
Informator House
North Road
Port City
C15 4 TY
Northern Ireland
(3)Your ref: MO’S/WI/15/88
Our ref: ED/VN/10/88
(4)6 April 20…
(5)For the attention of Ms Margaret O’Shea
(6)Dear Ms O’Shea
(7)Re: Accommodation for Informator staff, 23 – 27 April
(8)With reference to your letter of 5 April, we regret that we are unable to provide five single rooms from 23 – 27 April. However, we can offer three single rooms and one large twin room.
(9)Our normal rates are £45 per person per night. However, we can offer you a special 20 % discount, hence £36 per person per night. This includes breakfast.
(10)We hope this is acceptable, and look forward to hearing from you.
(11)Yours sincerely
(13)Elizabeth Durrant
(14)Front Office Manager
3. Разместите фрагменты делового письма в правильном порядке. Письмо переведите.
(1) Sophia Drinkt
29 Broad Street Birmingham B14 2HE United Kingdom
(3) We look forward to hearing from you soon.
(4) Your ref:
Our ref: SD/CC
(5) Yours faithfully
(6) Your name was mentioned in the recent issue of the Food Engineering as the manufacture of a new sweetener technique for drinks.
(7) Encl: Product information brochure
(8) Grain Processing Corporation
134 Falcon Street
Greenfield, Indiana 52761
(9) Purchasing Manager
(10) April 8, 200…
(11) We are beverage industry and we are therefore interested in your new technique. Could you please send us some more information on products applicable for our purposes. To give you an idea of our products we enclose our brochure with product information.
(12) Dear Sir or Madam
4. Напишите приветствие и заключительную формулу вежливости, если письмо адресовано:
a) Miss L Smith;
b) The Manager of the Production Department;
c) The Sales Department;
d) Michel Blake;
e) MacDonald Evans Ltd.
5. Напишите адрес.
a) Paul Williams who works for British Oxygen Ltd as the Personnel Manager. His office is in Richmond, Surrey. The address is 24 Penny Lane. The postal code is TW9 1DW.
b) Mayson, Shaw and Sons. Their office is located in Oxford, number 9 Brewer Street and the zip is OX1 1NQ.
c) The Glasgow branch of William and Glynn’s Bank Ltd. The bank is at 45 St Martins Lane and the postal code is GD5 3LG.
d) Wilkins and Henderson. They have got a small office in Wadour Street, number 16. They are in the London area and the postal code is W15 4BI.
e) The Sales Department of J B Simpson & Co Ltd. Their head-office is in Leeds, number 16, Milton Drive. LX5 XL4 is the postal code.
6. Оформите следующий текст как деловое письмо.
ramsder & co ltd 88 kingsway london we 2 0lf our ref dc/vf 7 october 200… h watson 25 burnley road blackburn lan25rx dear mr watson communication training we confirm classes start on 25 october yours sincerely dorothy cook personnel director
7. Составьте письмо в соответствии со следующими данными.
· You are Helen Finn.
· You work for Executive Training Services.
· Your address is 15 Brendan Street, Dublin 00400, Republic of Ireland.
· The telephone is 01704829.
· You are the Manager of the Training Equipment Department.
· You need two video cameras.
· The supplier of the cameras is New-Tec Electronic Supplies.
· The cameras are numbered C3221 in the New-Tech catalogue.
· The date is the seventh of February 201-.
· New-Tec is at 14, Farnall Way, Birmingham, NE11, UK.
8. Напишите ответ на предыдущее письмо (см. задание 6). Воспользуйтесь нижеприведённой информацией.