IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct active or passive tense form. Translate these sentences into Russian. Define the tense form of the verb and the voice.

1. She (to enjoy) her visit to Rome although she already (to go) there once before.

2. They (to drive) for two hours before they finally reached their destination.

3. Two men (to see) running out of the bank yesterday morning.

4. This program (to broadcast) again tomorrow night.

5. As French (to speak) constantly around him, he soon became familiar enough with the language to understand a great deal of what (to say).

6. Some Heads of the Government now fear that negotiations (to break off) before a settlement is reached.

7. He (to work) there some time when that dreadful accident (to happen).

8. The search party had little idea where to start looking, the climber’s tracks (blot out) by a recent snowstorm.


V. Complete the sentences changing Direct Speech into Indirect Speech.

1. “Do you know who built the first computer?”

My friend asked ………………. The first computer.

2. “When did you receive this fax?”

The manager tried to clear out when we ……………… this fax.

3. “This man left the hotel ten minutes ago,” the doorman answered.

The doorman answered that the man …………….. the hotel ten minutes before.

4. “What issues will the Presidents discuss at the summit next week?” he wondered.

He wondered what issues ……………… at the summit the following week.

5. “He won’t like the concert because he can’t understand music,” she tried to explain.

She tried to explain that …………….. the concert because ………….. music.

6. “We think of going to Spain for our honeymoon,” she said proudly.

She said that …………….. of going to Spain for their honeymoon.


VI. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Я не мог сказать ему, что потратил деньги, которые мне дали на учебники.

2. Я почувствовал, что ему уже задавали этот вопрос.

3. Все заметили, что он плохо играл во втором сете.

4. Я надеялся, что кто-то нашел мои ключи и передаст их мне.

5. Он полагал, что они будут работать вместе.

6. Мой друг обещал достать несколько книг по этому вопросу, как только я начну работать над статьей.

7. Мы решили, что вы свободны и сможете помочь нам.

8. Я был удивлен, что вы не сказали им, что собираетесь ехать в Дублин.