TEXT 1. Telecommunications Fundamentals
1. Выучите следующие слова и выражения:
essential [ɪ'sen(t)ʃ(ə)l] - внутренне присущий, неотъемлемый; затрагивающий
concept ['kɔnsept] -понятие
designate ['dezɪgneɪt] – (v) указывать, обозначать, называть
designation [dezɪg'neɪʃ(ə)n] - обозначение, знак, указание
magnitude ['mægnɪt(j)uːd ], [-ʧuːd] – величина, размеры; значение
range [reɪnʤ] – (v) колебаться, варьироваться
manifestation [mænɪfes'teɪʃ(ə)n] - проявление
source [sɔːs] – источник
transmitter [trænz'mɪtə], [træns-], [trɑːn-] передатчик
receiver [rɪ'siːvə] - приёмное устройство, приёмник
medium [ 'miːdɪəm] (pl. mediums, media) - средство
convert [ kən'vɜːt] - (v) преобразовывать, превращать
distortion [dɪ'stɔːʃ(ə)n] искажение
integer ['ɪntɪʤə] целое число
broadcast ['brɔːdkɑːst] – (n) радио- или телевещание, трансляция
(v) передавать по сети проводного вещания; использовать широко-вещательную передачу
broadcast communication - циркулярная связь; широковещательная связь
point-to-point — двухпунктовый, соединение типа «точка-точка»
point-to-point communication - двухпунктовая связь; прямая связь; коммуникации между двумя узлами
2. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст:
One way of understanding how telecommunications systems work and how they are changing is to consider a number of essential concepts.
A basic item that appears throughout any communications description is the prefix used in metric units for designating parameters such as length, speed, power level, and information transfer rate. As a handy reference, the table in Fig. 1 lists standard prefixes, their symbols, and their magnitudes, which range in size from 1024 to 10-24. As an example, a distance of 2 X 10-9 m (meters) (two times ten to the minus ninth power) = 2nm (nanometers). The three highest and lowest designations are not especially common in communication systems (yet!), but are included in the table for completeness.
Some terms and concepts that are used in communications include: information (the content, such as spoken words, an image, the measurement of a physical unit, or values of bank accounts), a message (the physical manifestation of the information produced by the source, ranging from a single number or symbol to a long string of sentences), data (facts, concepts, or instructions presented as some type of encoded entities used to convey the information – these include arrays of