Задание 4. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где они необходимы

1. We have just bought … new house with … large garden.

2. My brother is … teacher and I have … cousin who works with … young children as well.

3. Would you like … biscuit or … piece of … cake?

4. My uncle used to be ... dentist before he retired. Arthur Brown is … dentist who lives next door to my parents.

5. Is there … bookshop on the High Street? I bought this at … bookshop in the High Street.

6. Has anyone seen … newspaper I left in the sitting room? I usually buy … newspaper on my way to work.

7. London is … biggest city in Britain. Manchester is … big city in the north of England.

8. Agatha Christie was … well known writer of detective stories. Agatha Christie was … writer who invented Hercule Poirot.

Задание 5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect Tense

1. Who (to write) this article? 2. He (just to do) something for us. 3. (you/to find) the book? 4. We (just to talk) about it. 4. She (to tell) them some stories about dogs. 5. We (to have) two lessons today. 6. She (not to speak) yet. 7. They (to ask) me several questions. 8. (you/to learn) the rule? 9. (you/already/to hear) tomorrow’s weather forecast? 10. (you/ to read) any stories by Jack London?



Задание 1. Сравните разные виды хобби. Ответьте на вопросы и заполните таблицу