Exercise 2. Use the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple Tense.
1. She (to learn) English.
2. I (to like) music.
3. She (to live) in this house.
4. After supper my sister (to go) for a walk.
5. We (to visit) our grandparents very often.
6. I usually (to cook) dinner at 3 o’clock.
7. He (to want) to become a doctor.
8. My parents (to come) home very late.
9. We (to like) reading very much.
10. They often (to take) a bus.
Exercise 3. Choose the right variant.
1. You usually … the newspaper after breakfast
a) read b) reads c) is read
2. He always … his home-works carefully.
a) prepare b) prepared c) prepares
3. The children … in the yard every day.
a) played b) play c) plays
4. … she … mistakes in spelling?
a) does … makes b) does … make c) do – make
5. She … several foreign languages.
a) don’t speak b) don’t speaks c) doesn’t speak
6. … his friends … holidays at a rest-home?
a) do … spend b) does … spend c) do … spends
7. I often … my friend when I walk to the University.
a) met b) meets c) meet
8. Mike and Nick … to the library twice a week.
a) don’t go b) didn’t go c) doesn’t go
9. We (to spend) our holidays in the country.
a) spends b) spent c) spend
10. …you (to take) your dog for a walk?
a) do … take? b) does … take? c) do … takes?
The Past Indefinite Tense
По форме Past Indefinite английские глаголы делятся на два типа: правильные и неправильные глаголы (или стандартные и нестандартные).
Правильные глаголы образуют форму Past Indefinite при помощи окончания -ed.
Окончание –ed произносится:
[d] - после звонкого звука
to live - lived
[t] - после глухого звука
to look - looked
[id] - после [t] и [d]
to want – wanted: to decide – decided.
Неправильные – посредством чередования звуков в корне.
to see – saw (неправильный глагол)
to send - sent (неправильный глагол)
Спряжение глаголов в Past Indefinite:
Утвердительная | Вопросительная* | Отрицательная |
I worked (went) there. He You }worked (went) there. She It worked (went) well. We You } worked (went) there. They | I he Did you } work (go) there? She Did it work (go) well? we Did you } work (go) there? they | I He You } did not work (go) there She It did not work (go) well. We You } did not work (go) there. They |
*Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to do в прошедшем времени did – и смыслового глагола в форме инфинитива без частицы to.
С глаголами в форме Past Indefinite часто употребляются следующие обстоятельственные слова и словосочетания: yesterday, last week, two days ago, in 1990 . Причем в сочетаниях с last артикль и предлог не употребляются.