Read and learn the following words:

medicineмедицина, лекарство

practice практика

practiseзаниматься врачебной деятельностью

drive out изгонять


quite совершенно, вполне


practitioner практикующий врач

physicianврач – терапевт

examine осматривать (пациента)



experience опыт

free свободный, освобождать


hate ненавидеть


punishment наказание

diet диета

massage массаж

treatment лечение

drug лекарство

surgeon хирург

fracture перелом

trephineпроизводить трепанацию

skull череп

· Read and translate the text



Hippocrates was born in Greece. He was the son of a doctor. Hip­pocrates studied medicine and then went to town where he practised the art of medicine2. It is known that he drove out plague from Ath­ens by lighting fires3 in the streets of the city. That is all we know of Hippocrates himself. But we have his writings which are called Hippo­cratic Collection. The Collection consists of more than one hundred books. Some of Hippocratic thoughts are quite modern4. The Collec­tion begins with the famous Oath5.

Hippocrates was known as an excellent practitioner and a teacher of medicine. This great physician taught his pupils to examine pa­tients very attentively and to give them quick help. He created medi­cine on the basis of experience6.

Hippocrates freed medicine from superstition7. He hated the idea that a disease was the punishment of gods.

Hippocrates paid much attention to diet8, gymnastics, massage and seabathing in treatment.

He knew how to use many drugs and was also a good surgeon. Hippocrates set fractures' and even trephined the skull. Aristotle, the famous philosopher, called him "Hippocrates the Great".



1. B.C. – до нашей эры

2. the art of medicine – искусство медицины

3. by lighting fires – разжигая костры

4. quite modern – вполне современны

5. the famous Oath – знаменитая клятва Гиппократа

6. he created medicine on the basis of experience – Он создал медицину на основе опыта.

7. freed medicine from superstition – освободил медицину от предрассудков

8. paid much attention to diet – много уделял внимания правильному питанию

9. to set fractures – лечить переломы