Read and learn the following words:


compound соединение; смесь, состав

carbon углерод

slightly слегка, немного, едва

distinguish различать, отличать

attach относить

convenient удобный

available доступный

solution решение

affect оказывать влияние, воздействовать

surveyобозревать; обзор

determination определение


attract привлекать


substance вещество, суть

provide обеспечивать

strength сила

exciting возбуждающий, волнующий


· Read and translate the text



We shall define chemistry today as the study of formation, composition, structure and reactions of the chemical elements and their compounds. Many will say that this is not the definition of chemistry but inorganic chemistry.

A modern chemist slightly distinguishes between inorganic, organic and physical chemistry. He will attach organic groups to a metal atom if it is more convenient for investigation; he will use any of the available methods of physical chemistry if necessary for the solution of his problems.


Two facts helped the development of inorganic chemistry: the growth of the theoretical techniques of quantum mechanics and new optical, electrical and magnetic techniques of physical measurement by which they can be investigated. For a full understanding of the way in which these achievements affected the development of organic chemistry, we’ll make a short survey of the history of the subject.

We shall start with 1828, the year in which Wohler, the pioneer of organic synthesis, showed the interrelationship between inorganic and organic chemistry. For the next fifty years inorganic and organic chemistry progressed side by side. The main work in inorganic chemistry dealt with the preparation of new compounds and the development of methods of analysis. Great numbers of new compounds were described and important work was carried out on the determination of atomic weights. At the same time organic chemistry developed into a system in which structure could be determined. Organic chemistry constantly attracted workers of inorganic chemistry. The year 1887 may be accepted as the date of appearance of physical chemistry.

People say that facts give a science its substance, but it is the theory which provides its strength. It is owing to the development of the theory that chemistry has before it such exciting prospects at the present time.


1. slightly- почти не

2. physical measurement – физические измерения

3. short survey – краткий обзор

4. side by side – рядом, рука об руку

5. deal with – иметь дело с

6. it is owing to - именно благодаря…