Dependent children
несовершеннолетние дети
the aged (syn. the elderly)пожилые, старые люди
Health Care in the USA ♦ 257
mental diseasesпсихические * drug addictionпристрастие к
заболевания наркотикам, наркомания
Упражнение5. Задайте вопросы, ответами на которые будут следующие предложения.
Model:A family physician provides health care for the entire family. Who provides health care for the entire family?
1. Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death and disability in the USA. 2. Nine million people suffer from emphysema and chronic bronchitis because of smoking. 3. Smoking and hypertension are two major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. 4. Nausea, shortness of breath, shoulder or arm pain, or chest pain can be symptoms of a heart attack.
Упражнениеб. Ответьте на вопросы вашего товарища. Используйте в ответах слова и словосочетания, данные в скобках.
1. What kinds of hospitals are there in America? (government-financed, private hospitals) 2. Who comprises the staff of hospitals or clinics in America? (consulting physicians, residents, interns, highly skilled nurses) 3. What departments do American hospitals have? (surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, pediatrics, general medicine, neurosuigical, a renal care unit, a psychiatric unit, an Emergency Room) 4. What is Medicaid? (a federal program, to provide free medical care, low income people, the aged, the blind, dependent children) 5. What is Medicare? (a federal program, a health insurance program, the elderly and disabled, to provide free medical care, aged Americans)
Упражнение7. Расскажите вашим товарищам о работе частного врача в США. Используйте в своем рассказе следующие словосочетания.
private doctor, family doctor, to give regular examinations, to arrange for the patient to see a specialist, to make use of hospital facilities, private office, group practice
Упражнение8. Прочтите следующие утверждения и выразите свое согласие или несогласие. Начните свои ответы со следующих фраз: Quite so./ Exactly. /Yes, I think that.. .Или: I don't think thatis correct... . Ican't agree with the fact that.. . No, I don't thinkyou are right...
1. Medicaid is a federal program, which provides free medical care for low income people, the aged, the blind and for dependent children.
Learning To Discuss Medicine
Medicare is a federal program, which provides free medical care for aged Americans over 65. 3. Most employees and their families do not have their health insurance. 4. Many people in America have health insurance, life insurance, disability insurance and retirement benefits at their place of employment. 5. The chief scientific problems facing American medicine are heart disease and cancer.
Упражнение 9. Ведущий радиопередачи «В мире медицины» («In the World of Medicine») беседует с американским врачом-гомеопатом д-ром Карлом Робинсоном. Используя приведенные ниже текст и диалог, составьте и разыграйте радиоинтервью.
Ведущий: представляет доктора Робинсона, сообщая краткие сведения о нем (см. Текст), и предлагает д-ру Робинсону ответить на вопросы радиослушателей (см. Диалог)
Доктор Робинсон: отвечает на вопросы ведущего и радиослушателей (см. Текст)
1. Dr. К. Robinson received his B.A. from Yale University, his M.D. from Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia and he did his residency in internal medicine in New York City. Then he studied homeopathy at the Royal Homeopathicj Hospital in London. Now Dr. Robinson practices in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
2. The word «homeopathy» is derived from the Greek language. «Ho-meo» means «like», «pathy» means «suffering». Homeopathy means «like suffering» or «like disease». Homeopathy is a scientific medical practice, which treats the whole person, that is the body, the mind and the emotions, which are affected when a person is sick
Homeopathy is a natural medicine. A homeopathic medicine is used to stimulate the person to heal himself. It is a system of therapy based on the law «Similia similibus curentur». In other words, homeopathy is a scientific system of medicine based on the discovery that a substance can cure the same problems that it causes — usually by varying the dosage of the substance.