Active Words and Word Combinations
(o apply to a medical schoolподать to instructобучать
заявление о поступлении в instructionобучение
медицинский институт out-patient department (o.p.d.)
applicantабитуриент поликлиника
competitionконкурс in-patient departmentбольница,
competitive examinationsстационар
конкурсные экзамены scholarshipстипендия
entrance examinations intern интерн
вступительные экзамены internshipинтернатура
to be admitted to the institute residentординатор
поступить в институт residency (course)ординатура
to attendпосещать post-graduateаспирант
attendanceпосещение post-graduate training (course)
compulsoryобязательный аспирантура
voluntaryсвободный (по thesisдиссертация
желанию) academic degreeученая степень
Упражнение5. Задайте вопросы, ответами на которые будут следующие предложения:
Model: The course of study at medical schools in Russia is six years. What is the course of study at medical schools in Russia? 1. All the applicants take entrance examinations. 2. The attendance at lectures and classes is compulsory for all the students. 3. The instruction at higher schools is given through lectures, group instruction, and practical work. 4. For the first two years students study pre-clinical subjects.
Упражнение6. Отреагируйте на высказывание собеседника, пользуясь следующей моделью:
Model: I am studing all branches of internal medicine at the Mediacal School. Are you going to be (to become) a physician? 1. I'm a second-year student at the Stomatological Faculty. 2. He is especially interested in surgery. 3. My elder sister studies different kinds of chemistry. 4. My friend is getting on very well at the Faculty of Preventive Medicine. 5. My favourite subject is obstetrics and gynaecology.
2340- Learning To Discuss Medicine
Упражнение 7.Вы беседуете с Раджем Шарма, студентом из Индии, Ответьте на его вопросы.
Raj: Look, when I told my parents that I'd like to become a doctor §
they advised me to go to Russia. Are foreign students admitted to theI
Moscow Medical Academy? I
You: I
Raj: What subjects shall we study in the first two years? I
You: I
Raj: What about the textbooks? Where shall I take them? How much 3
money will I have to pay for the books taken from the library? 1
You: 1
Raj: Shall we take examinations every year? j
You: I
Raj: When shall we begin specialization in medicine, surgery or obstetrics and gynaecology? You:
Упражнение 8.Вы учитесь на 6 курсе лечебного факультета. Расскажите вашим иностранным друзьям о занятиях на выпускном курсе. Используйте следующие словосочетания в вашей беседе:
the final year of medical training, to do a practicum at the hospital, to specialise in surgery, to assist at operations, to treat patients, to attend, clinical conferences, lectures, to take final state examinations
Упражнение 9.Прочтите следующие утверждения и выразите согласие. Начните свои высказывания фразами: