Повторение: Времена группы Continuous (Active and Passive Voice) (§§ 11, 14)

Часть I

Слова к части I

pneumonia[njm'mounja] n пневмония irritable['irntabl] a раздражитель-
bronchitis[broij'kaitis] n бронхит ный, раздражимый
irritation[ in'teijn] n раздражение receive[n'si:v] v получать
prominent['prommant] а важный,


Упражнение 1.Навдите сказуемые в следующих предложениях. Определите их время и залог.

1. All control patients were receiving oxygen over a period of two hours.

2. In order to analyse the changes in recumbent B.P. (blood pressure) after the analgetic injections, the patients have been considered in two groups.

3. 8 or 9 patients who were being injected pentazocine for ten minutes showed a rise of B.P. 4. Other studies have suggested that pentazocine pro­duces less sedation than the narcotics. 5. The patient had signs of severe congestive failure due to aortic insufficiency. 6. When the attendant physi­cian entered the ward, patient P. was being injected aminophylline intrave­nously.

Lesson 17 ^ 183

Упражнение 2.Напишите исходные слова к нижеприведенным производ­ным и переведите их.

inside, specialized, irritation, respiratory, eventually, mucopurulent, inflammation, bacteri^, staining, to discharge

Упражнение З.Прочтите и переведите данные гнезда слов.

1. bronchus - bronchitis, bronchi, bronchial, bronchiectasis |,breQki'ektdsis]; 2. to irritate - irritation, irritative; 3. to infect - in­fected, infection, infectious

Упражнение 4.Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения и словосочетания.

1. bronchial tree; 2. the smoke irritates my eyes; a muscle contracts when irritated by electricity; 3. to be infected with diphtheria; to spread by infection; infection may be carried through the air

Упражнение 5.Просмотрите текст А. Передайте основное содержание
каждой части. / >

•' I

Упражнение 6.Найдите в тексте А ответы на следующие вопросы и считайте их.

1. Is the upper or lower part of the respiratory tract affected more often? 2. What happens to the mucous membrane when it is being inflamed? 3. What does the term «catarrh» indicate and what is the condition of catarrhal inflammation characterized with? 4. What causes bronchitis? 5. What are the symptoms of chronic bronchitis?

Text A

Infections ofthe Respiratory Tract

1. While the slides were being prepared the lecturer announced the theme to be discussed. He said: «The respiratory tract is subject to infec­tion more frequently than any other part of the body. Respiratory infec­tions stand third as a cause of deaths; they lead all other causes between iiges of fifteen and thirty-five. The upper portion of the respiratory tract, the nose, throat and trachea, are affected more often than the lower, the bronchi and lungs. The deeper the inflammation, the more serious are its consequences; pneumonia is frequently fataljlnflammation of the deeper respiratory structures results from a downw^tfd extension of a compara-tively harmless inflammation in the upper structures.»


186♦ Learning to Understand a Medical Text

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