Heart and Artery Diseases

4. Heart and artery diseases have been presently the number one
health problem in the world. Cardiovascular ailments are by far the chief

178 0- Learning to Understand a Medical Text |

causes of illness, disability, and death among both middle-aged and f elderly people. Among these, coronary heart disease, illness of the blood vessels supplying the heart, is responsible for the greatest number of deaths (over 50 per cent of all cardiovascular diseases). Causes of other cardiovascular disease deaths, in order of decreasing importance, are stroke and hypertension. These three diseases are responsible for more than 80 per cent of all cardiovascular disease deaths.

5. Like cancer and emphysema, heart diseases appear to be related to the extension of the average life span. Certain factors are definitely involved in the high incidence of heart disease - the stress, diets high in saturated fats, the tendency toward obesity with age, lack of sufficient^ physical exercise, and thfe incidence of smoking. These factors appear to relate to a higher incidence of heart desease than in societies lacking these characteristics. v * » • e i

6. The severity and danger of Heart and artery diseases which we had^ previously described cannot be fninimized; a disease in an arm or leg may cripple a person, but a disease of the heart may lead to his death.

Упражнение 9. Прочтите и переведите текст А. Абзацы 2 и 3 переведите письменно.

Упражнение10. Найдите в тексте А ответы на следующие вопросы \С\
прочтите их. v

1. What kinds of cardiovascular diseases have been discribed in text
A? 2. What does the sudden blockage of the coronary artery result in?
3. What are the conditions caused by coronary occlusion? 4. What is
angina pectoris? What do people experience in this condition? 5. Why
heart and artery diseases have been recently the number one health
problem in the world? / ■ | » \]

Упражнение 11. Составьте письменно план текста А. |

Упражнение 12. Передайте основную мысль абзацев 4 и 5 текста А одним— двумя предложениями.

Упражнение 13. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова в данные предло­жения: fortunately, approximately, also.

1. ..., the great majority of coronary disease patients recover and are J able to lead active, useful lives if they receive proper treatment under good medical supervision. 2. ... one fourth of all deaths in the world result from coronary artery disease. 3. ... it is estimated that more than


*j Lesson 16 <► 179 one out of every ten persons suffers some degree of insufficiency of blood supply to the heart.


Упражнение 14. Дайте синонимы к следующим словам. ' "' ^ j ?[J /

to cease, obstruction, illness, serious, majority

Упражнение 15. Прочтите и переведите текст. Объясните употребление
глагольных времен и залога.
', '

Twenty patients with arterial occlusion have been treated by system­atic infusions since May. In many of these patients the obstruction had been present for so long> that irreversible changes, had already taken

Obstruction in eleven patients was of more than twenty-four-hours' duration and in four was more than forty-eight hours old.

Only eight patients were treated within twenty-four to thirty hours of the onset of the obstruction. Of these five (62 per cent) had complete return of circulation. Return of circulation usually occurred after ten to twelve hours of continuous intravenous therapy. It became apparent that even though improvement was obtained by one course of treatment, this did not assure a permanent response. The reasons for this are probably multiple and include: 1) a nidus of thrombus may remain on which com­plete rethrombosis can develop and 2) intimal damage remains as a source of rethrombosis. For these reasons we have repeated treatment for two to three days with the expectation that all thrombus will be eradicated and the vessel wall will have a chance to repair itself.

Часть IIСлова к части II

mean v значить, означать weakа слабый

meaning n значение weaken v ослаблять

result [n'zAlt] v (from) быть резуль- rupture['rAptfa] n разрыв; v разры-

татом вать

displace [dis'pleis] v перемещать haemorrhage ['hemancfc] n кровоте-
believe [bi'lirv] v полагать, считать чение; v кровоточить

suffer ['sAfe] v (from)страдать