Fig. 2. Types of muscles.
muscles visceral muscles. The visceral muscles react relatively slowly to changes within the body and do so without the intervention of the will. j The walls oftte blood ^vessels are contracting or expanding when they j respond to Ceftain^; chemicals in the blood or in response to the effect of j temperature but we cannot deliberately cause them to lift our arm or open our mouth. For this reason, we may call them involuntary muscles. Smooth muscle tissue consists of long cells. Smooth muscle fibres are bound (связаны) into bundles by connective tissue whi^ contain blood vessels and nerves.
4. ^Stoated muscle *tissaj£ consjgte of flaige nferel lri^fhe form of brnfifies?* Striated muscles are most nfe&fesa$*for manipulation of the bones of the skeleton. Those are the muscles necessary for walking, running, turning the head and so on. That's why we sometimes call them skeletal muscles. This type of muscle tissue includes the lan^e muscle masses of the body, the muscles of the arms, legs, back etc.1 It includes all those muscles which must react quickly to changes in the environment, i.e.2 those that become active through an effort of will. For this reason, we call striated muscles voluntary muscles.
Cardiac (heart) muscle is, in a sense, a cross between the previous two. A characteristic feature of cardiac muscle is that fibres have neither a beginning nor an end. In other words, the heart is simply a huge net of muscles in which all elements are continuous with each other. Cardiac muscles («heart» - Greek) have the strength and force of contraction of the skeletal muscle. Cardiac muscle is under complete involuntary control. In that, it resembles visceral muscle.
1. etc. (Lat et cetera) [it'setrs] = and so on и так далее
2. i.e. (Lat. id est) - читается that is, namely то есть
Упражнение 13.1)Прочтите и переведите текст А. Абзацы 4 и 5 переведите письменно. 2) Найдите в тексте А ответы на следующие вопросы и зачитайте их.
How many types of muscular tissue are there? 2. How do we sometimes call smooth muscles? 3. What is another name of striated
muscles? 4. What is the difference between the cardiac and' skeletal
muscles? ^ ^(h.^XK '■ у#г':лЧ'^
Упражнение 14. Подберите к латинским словам английские эквиваленты.
viscera | heart |
cardiac | lower jaw |
mandible | internal organs |
esophagus | gullet |
Упражнение 15. Подберите пары антонимов.
Voluntary, beginning, separated, to include, the former, to exclude, the latter, connected, end, involuntary
Упражнение 16. Дайте синонимы к следующим словам и словосочетаниям.