Упражнение 1.Найдите в каждом ряду глагол во временах группы Continuous (см. таблицу в § 11 Грамматического справочника).
V NK - . \
1. was placing placed; is placed; 2. bound; bind; is binding 3. were
bent; was bending; bent/ 4. joins; is joining; were joined; 5. are not included; will be including; includes; 6. is distinguishing; are distinguishing; distinguishes
v , i :V / . ■ ■'
Упражнение 2. Поставьте след. предложения в отрицательную форму.
Образец:We are working at the laboratory now. ^
&ti.* ■■: We are not working at the laboratory now. 1. They were discussing the functions of brain for two hours running. 2. We shall be studying the bones of the palm for the whole day. 3. He is taking his examination in history now. 4. I was writing my report when she entered the library hall.
Упражнение З. Переведите следующие предложения, определите времен
ную форму глагола-сказуемого. , (/
1. Smooth or linstriated muscles contract without any volition.
2. Blood vessels are contracting when tfiey respond to the temperature.
3. The bones of our body make up the skeleton. 4. They were making their experiment from 5 to 7. 5. Students will learn the framework of the chest in the first term. 6. We shall be studying the functions of the heart during the whole lesson. i / ,
Упражнение4. Найдите модальные глаголы в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The lesson is over, you may go home. 2. The character of the joints distinguishes the degree of the motion which we can perform. 3. Smooth muscles can contract slowly. 4. We may divide animals into vertebrates
56 ♦ Learning to Understand a Medical Text
And invertebrates. 5. Comrade Petrov should stay at home as his leg still aches. 6. Future doctors must know human anatomy very well.
Упражнение 5. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, must, may.
Mo ;i
1. You .v come for consultations on physics any time from 5 to 8. 2. We ..j know all the functions of the lungs. 3. ... I ask a question? 4. She ...\come as she is ill. 5. Who *Л; ^describe the t^nes of the trunk? 6. The joints ... move by the contraction of muscles.
Упражнение 6. Переведите следующие предложения. Определите какую
функцию выполняют слова that/those (см. § 34 Грамматического спра
вочника). ., .Wv/*
1. The doctor says tftat he knows this patient. 2. Theixmes of the lower extremities articulate with the pelvic bones, those of the upper extremities extend from the shoulder girdle! 3. Through the centre of the vertebral column runs the canal that contains the spinal cord. 4. We liked that lecture very much. 5. The function of the liver is different from that of the spleen. 6. That was the book he wanted.
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Упражнение 7. Прочтите следующие слова и сочетания слов.^Пе^рведи-
те их. '/tV''"'^"'0^.
a) muscle ['m/vsl], muscular ['mAskjula], female ['fi:meil], fascia ['fae-Jis] (pi. fasciae ['faefii:], smooth [smu:0], striated [strai'eitid], t6 involve [in'volv], per cent [pd'sent];
b) a layer of muscles, 50 per cent of the total body weight, a characteristic feature of cardiac muscle
Упражнение 8. Познакомьтесь со значениями данных ниже суффиксов: аг9 ive, ous, ion и приставки en. Прочтите и переведите производные слова.
1. en- + основа прилагательного/существительного/, глагола =
глагол: large большой — to enlarge увеличиваться); to close закрывать —
to enclose окружать, ограничивать.