Studying the Human Body

In the sixteenth century a doctor named Andreas Vesalius studied anatomy on dead bodies. He used corpses (трупы) for his examinations. Vesalius was born in Brussels, got his education as a doctor in Paris. Later he moved to Padua University where he became Professor of anatomy. In 1543 he published an illustrated book - «The Working of the Human Body».

During the era of the fourteenth through seventeenth century the foundations of science and medicine were established. The art of surgery was improved by Ambroise Pare. Parecelsus became the father of twentieth-century chemotherapy. Andreas Vesalius made the study of anatomy a science based on direct observations. William Harvey, the English physician to King James I, discovered the circulation of the blood and his countryman (соотечественник) Thomas Sydenharn developed the science of internal medicine.

In 1675 Antony van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch brewer [Ьгшэ] пивовар из Голландии) invented the microscope and observed bacteria and protozoa. He also described microscopic organisms. Other important discoveries were made in the seventeenth century. These discoveries helped to understand and study the human body, especially the various digestive glands, blood circulation, sensory nerve endings, the structure and function of the ear, salivary glands and the structure of bones.


Упражнение15. 1) В каком столбике все слова содержат звук [J] 2) В каком столбике все слова содержат звук [з]?

a) production b) pleasure с) function

diffusion measure nation

solution division commission

precision decision pressure

(Ответы:1) с; 2) b. Если вы ошиблись повторите правило на с. 25, 26)

Урок 4 <0> 33 Упражнение 16. 1) В каком слове*конечный слог оканчивается звуком [t]?

A) depended b) stressed с) fired d) planted

(Ответ: b.)

2) В каком слове конечный слог оканчивается звуком [d]?
a) cried b) chanced с) transplanted d) pressed

(Ответ: а.)

3) В каком слове конечный слог оканчивается звуком [id]?
a) pressed b) clicked с) nursed d) needed

(Ответ: d. Если вы ошиблись, повторите правило на с. 26)



Упражнение 1. Прочтите следующие слова.

а + f + со­гласная
[а:] can't dance

а + п + соглас­ная


Half (половина)

a -l- s + со­гласная

Task' last

a + th

Bath father

Упражнение 2. Прочтите следующие слова.

а + 1 + согласная = [о:]

All call

Also small

Tall talk

Almost fall

Исключения: palm [pa:m] (ладонь); calm [kcum] (спокойный).

Упражнение З. Прочтите следующие пословицы и поговорки. Выберите и переведите 4 из них.

All is well that ends well. 2. Speaking without thinking is shooting without aim. 3. Be slow to promise and quick to perform. 4. It is never too late to learn. .5. Never try to kill two birds with one stone.

34 «Ф- Reviewing Some Basic Facts about the English Language

Упражнение 4.Прочтите текст и переведите его. Скажите, в каком време­ни употреблены выделенные глаголы-сказуемые.

An old man and sailor (моряк) were once having a talk. The old man asked the sailor where his father had died (умирать). The sailor an­swered that his father and his grandfather and his grandfather's father had all died at sea.

Then the old man said that the sea must be a dangerous (опасный) place, and asked whether the sailor was not afraid of going to sea (не боится ли он отправляться в море). The sailor said that he was not at all afraid, and asked where the old man's father, grandfather and his grandfather's father died. The old man answered that they had all died in their beds.

The sailor then said that a bed must be a dangerous place, and asked the old man whether he was not afraid of going to bed.