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Marketing's New Look// Business Week. - 1987. - January 26. - P. 64-69; Stalking the New Consumer // Business Week. — 1989. — August 28. — P. 54-62.

CM. Kuehn A.A., Day R.L. Strategy of Product Quality// Harvard Business Review — 1967 - 40 № 11/12.- P. 100-110

Большинство упомянутых здесь демографических тенденций взято из журнала American Demographics.

Stephens N. Cognitive Age: A Useful Concept for Advertising? // Journal of Advertising. — 1991. — 20, № 4. - P. 37-48.

Advertising Age. — 1993. - August 9. — P. 8. Ibid. - 1993. - August 30. - P. 12.

Обсуждение этих проблем можно найти в работе Peracchio L.A. Young Children's Processing of a Televised Narrative: Is a Picture Really Worth a Thousand Words // Journal of Consumer Research. - 1993. - 20, № 9. - P. 281-293; Cole C., Balasubramaniam S.K. Age Differences m Consumers' Search for Information: Public Policy Implications // Journal of Consumer Research. - № 6. - P. 157-169.

Meyers-Levy J., Sternthal B. Gender Differences in the Use of Message Cues and Judgments // Journal of Marketing Research. — 1991. — 28, № 2. — P. 84-96. Working Woman. — 1993. — June. — P. 23-25.

Некоторые статистические данные вы найдете в The Wall Street Journal. — 1993. — October 13. — P. Al.

Frito-Lav Packs S90m Ad Punch // Advertising Age. - 1989. - December 18. - P. 18. Dubow J.S. Occasion-based vs. User-based Benefit Segmentation // Journal of Advertising Research. - 1992. - 32, № 1. — P. 11-18.

Ehrenberg A.S.C. Repetitive Advertising and the Consumer// Journal of Advertising Research. — 1974. — № 4.

The Wall Street Journal. — 1993. — October 26. — P. A7.

Haley R.I. Benefit Segmentation: a Decision-Oriented Research Tool // Journal of

Marketing. - 1968. - 32, № 7. - P. 30-35.

16. Research Finds Fickle Consumers // Advertising Age. — 1989. — June 26. — P. 31.

17. Haley R.I., Weingarden P.J. Running Reliable Attitude Segmentation Studies// Journal of Advertising Research. - 1986/1987. - № 12/1. - P. 51-55

18. Mitchell A. The Nine American Lifestyles. — New York : Macmillan, 1983; Advertising Age — 1989. — February 13. — P. 24. Предыдущие исследования по психографике см. в работе Wells W.D. Psychographics: A Critical Review // Journal of Marketing Research. — 1975 _ n № 5. - P. 196-213.

19. Advertising Age. - 1993. - February 15. — P. 6.

20. Эти концепции развиты в контексте математических моделей в работе Frank R.E., Massy W.F., Wind Y. Market Segmentation. — Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice Hall, 1972, особенно в главе 8.

21. The Wall Street Journal. — 1991. - February 1. — P. B.I.

22. Advertising Age. — 1993. — September 20. — P. 52.

23. Business Week. — 1992. — January 27. — P. 84.

24. Myers J.H., Shocker A.D. Toward a Taxonomy of Product Attributes: Working paper. — Los Angeles : University of Southern California, June 1978). — P. 3.

25. Miller's Fast Growth Upsets the Beer Industry // Business Week. — 1976. — November 8.

26. Day G.S., Shocker A.D., Strivastava R.K. Customer-Oriented Approaches to Identifying Product Markets // Journal of Marketing. — 1979. — 43, № 4. — 8-19.

27. Aaker D.A., Day G.S. Marketing Research. — New York : Wiley, 1989.

28. Haley R.J. Benefit Segmentation: A Decision Oriented Research Tool // Journal of Marketing. — 1968. - № 7. - P. 30-35.

29. Mindak W.A. Fitting the Semantic Differential to the Marketing Problem // Journal of Marketing. - 1961. - 25, № 4. - P. 28-33.

30. Wilkes R.E. Product Positioning by Multidimensional Scaling // Journal of Advertising Research. - 1977. - 17, № 8. - 15-18.

31. Примеры см. в работах Shugan S.M. Estimating Brand Positioning Maps Using Supermarket Scanning Data // Journal of Marketing Research. — 1987. — 24, № 1. — P. 1-18; Katahira H. Perceptual Mapping Using Ordered Logit Analysis // Marketing Science. — 1990. — 9, № 1. — P. 1-17.

32. На рис. 4.7 идеальная точка изображается как точка на карте. Однако, если используются многомерное шкатирование, основанное на атрибутах, и шкала типа "дорого—недорого", рес­пондент старается ответить как можно правильнее. В этом случае "идеальная точка" будет изображена как идеальное направление, или вектор, а не как точка.

33. Srivastava R.K., Leone R.P., Schocker A.D. Market Structure Analysis: Hierarchical Clustering of Products Based on Substitution in Use // Journal of Marketing. — 1981. — 45, № 3. — P. 38-48.

34. Urban G.L., Johnson P.L., Hauser J.R. Testing Competitive Market Structures // Marketing Science. — 1984. - 3, № 2. — P. 83-112.

35. Advertising Age. — 1992. — July 20. — P. 2.

36. Marketing News. — 1992. — January 6. — P. 6.

37. Advertising Age. - 1990. — September 24. — P. 24.

38. Sujan M., Bettman J.R. The Effects of Brand Positioning Strategies on Consumers' Brand and Category Perceptions: Some Insights from Schema Research // Journal of Consumer Research. - 1989. — 26, № 11. - P. 454-467.

39. Style Is Substance for Ad Success: Light // Advertising Age. — 1979. — August 27. — P. 3.

40. Advertising Age. — 1993. — October 25. - P. 3; Business Week. — 1993. — November 15. — P. 62'

41. Dillon W.R., Domzal Т., Madden T.J. Evaluating Alternative Product Positioning Strategies// Journal of Advertising Research. — 1986. — № 8/9. — P. 29-35; Winer R.S., Moore W-b-Evaluating the Effects of Marketing-Mix Variables on Brand Positioning // Journal ° Advertising Research. - 1989. — № 2/3. — P. 39-45.