Some lexical or structural elements of the English sentence may be regarded as redundant from the point of view of translation as they are not consonant with the norms and usage of the Russian language, e.g.
For the fishermen of Rebun, the notion that young outsiders may choose to adopt their way of life is both fascinating and perplexing.
Рыбакам острова Ребун кажется удивительным и странным, что приезжая молодежь может предпочесть их образ жизни.
Two omissions have been made here. The meaning of the word “notion” is implied in the predicate of the Russian sentence and this word can safely be left out. The verb “to choose” and “to adopt” may be regarded as synonymous and the meaning of these two verbs is fully covered by the Russian verb предпочесть which implies choice.
Some typical cases of redundancy may be mentioned here: synonymous pairs, the use of weights and measures with emphatic intent, subordinate clauses of time and place.
Homogeneous synonymous pairs are used in different styles of the language. Their use is traditional and can be explained by extra-linguistic reasons: the second member of the pair of Anglo-Saxon origin was added to make clear the meaning of the first member borrowed from the French language, e.g. my sire and father. Itwas done as O.Jespersen writes in his book “Growth and Structure of the English language” “…for the benefit of those who were refined expression”. Gradually synonymous pairs have become a purely stylistic device. They are often omitted in translation even in official documents as pleonastic, e.g.
Equality of treatment in trade and commerce. – Равные возможности в торговле.
The purposes of the Western Powers in pouring arms into Israel have been open and unconcealed.
Западные державы никогда не скрывали своих целей, поставляя оружие Израилю.
The broadest definition is that the Arctic is the region of permafrost or permanently frozen subsoil.
Самое широкое определение Арктики – это область вечной мерзлоты.
Words denoting measures and weights are frequently used in describing people or abstract notions. They are either omitted or replaced in translation.
Every inch of his face expressed amazement. (P.G.Wodehouse).
На его лице было написано изумление.
He extracted every ounce of emotion from Rachmaninov’s Third Concerto.
Он показал всю эмоциональность Третьего концерта Рахманинова.
Subordinate clauses of time and of place are frequently felt to be redundant in Russian and are omitted in translation.
The storm was terrific while it lasted.
Буря была ужасная.
Sometimes even an attributive clause may be regarded as redundant and should be omitted in translation.
And yet the migrants still pour in from the depressed Northeast of Brasil, many of them walking the 1.000 miles or more in search og a better life than the one they left.
И тем не менее, переселенцы все еще прибывают из района бедствия на Северо-востоке Бразилии; многие из них проходят расстояние в тысячу миль и более в поисках лучшей жизни.
The grammatical structure of any language is as important as its word-stock or vocabulary. Grammatical meanings are no less significant than lexical meaning as they express such fundamental categories as tense relations, gender, number, modality, categories of definiteness and indefiniteness, etc. Some of these categories may be expressed grammatically in different ways owing to the existence of grammatical synonymy. But sometimes they can also be expressed lexically.
The main translation principle should never be lost sight of – what is expressed in another, generally by means of transformations.