The tendency towards compression both in the grammatical and the lexical systems of the English language often makes additions necessary and indispensable. Much has already been said about additions that accompany transpositions and replacements. This is particularly true in the translation of infinitive, participle and gerundial complexes. There are other cases when additions are caused by compressed structures such as the absolute possessive, attributes formed by juxtaposition N1 + N2 structures and by attributive groups.
The model N1 + N2 often requires additions in translation: riot police – специальные отряды полиции для подавления уличных беспорядков; death vehicle – автомашина, убившая прохожего, bare beaches – пляжи, где можно купаться без костюмов.
Sometimes additions are required by pragmatic considerations: pay claim – требование повышения заработной платы, welfare cuts – урезывание бюджетных ассигнований на социальные нужды; herring ban – запрещение ловить сельдь в Северном море.
Attributive groups are another case in point. The elements forming such groups vary in number, their translation into Russian as a rule requires additions, e.g. oil thirsty Europe – Европа, испытывающая нехватку нефти; Jobs-for-youth Club – клуб, ставящий своей целью обеспечить молодежь работой.
A handful of dates and a cup of coffee habit (J.Galsworthy)
Привычка питаться горсточкой фиников и чашкой кофе.
Attributive groups present great variety because of the number and character of the component elements. The main task facing the translator is to establish their semantic and syntactic relations with the word they modify, e.g.
Three Nicosia Greek language newspapers – Три газеты на греческом языке, выходящие в Никозии.
The decoding of an attributive group, however, does not always involve additions, but merely transpositions and replacements, e.g.
A million pound forged bank draft fraud – Афера с поддельным векселем на миллион фунтов стерлингов.
Additions are also caused by discrepancy in the use of the plural and singular forms of certain nouns.
Delegates from various industries – представители различных отраслей промышленности.
They (the imperialists) have built up dangerous tensions in the world with an arms race of unprecedented cost and size.
Империалисты создали опасные очаги напряженности в мире, развернув небывалую и дорогостоящую гонку вооружений.
Additions are not infrequently caused by lexical reasons. A single instance may suffice here as the problem will be considered at length in the following chapter. Additions are indispensable in the translation of verbs which bring forth in some context two semes simultaneously.
…Mr Ames complained his way out of bed … and went to the door.
Мистер Эймс, кряхтя, вылез из постели и поплелся к входной двери.
Another cause of additions is English word building, e.g. conversation and the use of some non-equivalent suffixes.
We showered and dressed.
Мы приняли душ и оделись.
The peace campaign snowballed rapidly.
Кампания в защиту мира росла с невероятной быстротой.
He is a chancer.
Он человек, который любит рисковать.