PTZ Setting

Click will show the below interface: PTZ Control

Before starting the PTZ control, please firstly confirm the PTZ parameter settings, PTZ protocol and the correct connection of the 485 control line etc.

After setting the parameters, select the channel which you want to control in the preview interface, then control the left-handed rotation, right-handed rotation, up regulation, down regulation of the lens; zoom in and zoom out of the focal length; zoom in and zoom out of the focal point; zoom in and zoom out of the iris; setting of the PTZ speed. PTZ Setting

1) Preset setting: first turn the camera to the needed position through the direction buttons of the PTZ control, then select a preset number, and click Ў°SettingsЎ± button. Ў°PresetЎ± call: select a preset number which needs to be called, and click Ў°CallЎ± button.


2) Cruise setting: select a cruise number, click Ў°SettingsЎ±, as shown in the below interface:


Ø In the cruise setup interface, select preset point, cruise time, cruise speed, click Ў°AddЎ± button, then the preset point of the cruise path is added successfully (multi-preset points can be added). Click Ў°DeleteЎ± button can delete the preset point of the cruise path.

Ø Ў°CruiseЎ± call: select a cruise number click Ў°CallЎ± button.

Ø Ў°CruiseЎ± delete: select a cruise number, and click Ў°DeleteЎ± button.

3) Ў°TrackЎ± setup: select a track number, and click Ў°SetЎ± button, then start the PTZ control operations, and then click Ў°StopЎ±, and the track is remembered successfully.

4) Ў°TrackЎ± call: select a track number, and click Ў°CallЎ± button.