Network Encryption
General Dynamics offers a full line of encryption solutions, providing users with choices to best fit their needs. Whether you require security for Top Secret missions, Suite B compliance or protection for Sensitive But Unclassified information, General Dynamics offers interoperable solutions with common management capabilities to simplify your network security needs.
For more than 45 years, General Dynamics has proven their expertise in encryption solutions with TACLANE®, the most widely deployed Type 1 encryptor in the world. As the need for information assurance capabilities and secure information sharing expands beyond traditional DoD and military users, we've adapted our offerings to include Suite B products. This includes NSA Certified Cryptographic High Value Products (CHVPs) for Secret and below.
TACLANE-1G Encryptor (KG-175G)— A low profile, ruggedized, 1
Gb/s Cyber Defense and Agile VLAN-capable network encryptor. The TACLANE-1G is certified to protect information classified Top Secret SCI and below.
TACLANE-Micro Encryptor (KG-175D)— High-speed (200 Mb/s aggregate), compact (4.25 lbs.), mobile, and foreign interoperable, the TACLANE-Micro is ideal for both tactical and strategic environments and is the world’s most widely deployed HAIPE® encryptor.
TACLANE-C100 Encryptor — Suite B Secret and below Cryptographic High Value Product (CHVP) encryptor secures networks and increases interoperability between warfighters, coalition partner and allies, federal and civilian agencies, Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CIKR), and regulated industry.
KG-530 SONET Encryptor — Designed to secure information classified Top Secret Codeword and below, the KG-530 is the fastest encryptor in the world providing end-to-end, low latency security for SONET networks at 40 Gb/s throughput speeds.