Reproduce the situations in which these phrases are used.
II. Translate the passages:
1. "She studied her part. Julia did not deliberately create the character she was going toact by observation...";
2. "What nonsense that was Roger talked the other day...".
III. Paraphrase:
"That's the sort of part I can play on my head".
"That ought to knock the critics".
"... but, by god, you're a bitch".
"Do you think you can cod an old trooper like me?".
"Come off it".
"Not on your life".
IV. Whom do the following words belong to? Comment on them.
1. "It's hard not to be impatient with the absurdity of the young; they tell us that two and two make four as thought it had never occurred to us, and they're disappointed if we can't share their surprise when they have just discovered that a hen lays an egg. There's a lot of nonsense in their ranting and raving, but it's not all nonsense. One ought to sympathize with them; one ought to do one's best to understand".
2. "Be hopeful. You thought you'd only given birth to an ugly duckling; perhaps, he's going to turn into a white-winged swan".
3. "I am as innocent as a babe unborn".
4. "You had to have had the emotions, but you could only play them when you had got over them".
5. "... the origin of poetry was emotion recollected in tranquility".
6. "We are the symbols of all this confused, aimless struggling that they call life, it's only the symbol which is real".
V. Speak on the concluding lines of chapter 28:
"Love isn't worth all the fuss they make about it".
VI. Answer the following questions:
1. Do you agree that Julia never set out to be a raving beauty, but the one thing no one had ever denied her was personality?
2. What was Charles' reaction to Julia's story about her son? What was the difference in their perception of Roger's philosophy?
3. How did Julia feel before a first night?
4. What did Julia mean by "irrevocable divorce?"
5. Why was Julia pleased as punch?
6. How was the new play received by the audience?
7. What can you say about Julia's acting?
8. How did Julia settle an old score with Avice and Tom?
9. What was Michael's reaction to Avice's failure?
10. Why did Julia try to convince the author of the play that he was a man of genius?
11. What did Julia mean by saying: "I shall never in all my life have another moment like this. I'm not going to share it with anyone"?
12. How did Julia celebrate her triumph?
13. What was Julia meditating on at the restaurant? Do you share her views?
VI. Translate into English making use of the active vocabulary:
1. Она повернулась и увидела, что ее догнал Том с широкой улыбкой на лице.
2. Смотри, чтобы она не затмила тебя в этой пьесе.
3. Пьеса закончилась длиннейшей тирадой, в которой Джулия в роли бывшей проститутки бичевала легкомыслие, безделье, аморальность образа жизни, в который ее ввергло замужество.
4. Напряженность действия не могла быть более волнующей, а развязка не могла быть более неожиданной.
5. Было приятно сознавать, что он значил для нее не больше, чем рабочий сцены. Это давало ей грандиозное ощущение уверенности и свободы.
6. Ее великолепие и отраженный от платья свет привлекал внимание публики.
7. Слушай, Джулия, тебе придется идти на прием к Долли одной. Мне нужно встретиться с агентами по продаже театральных билетов. Я надеюсь вытянуть из них деньги.
VIII. Act out:
a) The conversation between Julia and Charles;
b) Julia and Tom's final conversation (chapter 28);
c) The conversation between Julia and Michael;
d) Julia's conversation with the author of the play.
IX. Write an essay: "The connection between art and life".